Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Monday, Dec. 31, 2012.
An entity in Stark County received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012.
Laketran’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Nearly $90,000 in payments for health services went missing under the watch of a former Ashland County-City Health Department administrative assistant, as confirmed by a special audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Litchfield Township (Medina County) paid for trustee and fiscal officer retirement contributions that should have been paid for by the officials themselves.
With a new year quickly approaching, the Auditor of State's Office marks the end of 2012, as well as the first half of Auditor Dave Yost’s term as State Auditor.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Despite three efforts by Ohio Medicaid to provide education and training for Cuyahoga County-based provider Kareemah Abdullah, a personal care aide, she repeatedly failed to properly document her services.
Report Focuses on Unemployment Compensation Review Commission
An interim performance audit of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) was released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Consolidating dispatch operations and bringing employee health insurance contributions in line with peers are among $463,000 in potential savings identified for the City of Chardon, according to a performance audit released today.
Board members of the Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy (Hamilton County) failed to follow their own compensation policy during a three year period, resulting in improper overpayments totaling $2,325.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost issues a statement regarding the announcement that state Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro is retiring February 1, 2013.
The City of Independence’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Taxpayers were stuck with the bill for two extra nights stay in Chicago for the headmaster of the New Day Academy Boarding and Day School (Cuyahoga County).
More than $18,000 in utility payments went into the pockets of the Village of Bellaire’s (Belmont County) former utility clerk, as confirmed in an audit of the village released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, December 13, 2012.
Excess busing costs and spending more than double for extracurricular activities per student are among the potential savings identified for the Cuyahoga Heights Local School District in a performance audit released today.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The Berkshire Local School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012.
Nearly $800,000 in unnecessary bus and building expenditures is among more than $1.7 million in potential savings for Indian Creek Local School District (Jefferson County) identified in a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, November 29, 2012.
Controlling the cost of employee benefits could save more than $200,000 annually for the City of Fostoria (Seneca County) according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Controlling health insurance costs and staffing levels could help save more than $3.8 million for Marion City Schools (Marion County) according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost
Auditor of State Dave Yost issued a statement regarding the Ohio Supreme Court ruling that the state apportionment board’s redrawing of state legislative boundaries is constitutional.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for clean audit reports.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Highland County Convention and Visitors Bureau (Highland County) on the “unauditable” list.
The City of Amherst’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
A recent financial audit of the City of Avon by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The City of Avon’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012.
An audit released today identified more than $6,500 in improper spending, including double travel-reimbursements, by the former director of the Ross-Chillicothe Convention and Visitors Bureau (Ross County).
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012.
A statement from Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding the sentencing today in the Belmont County Court of Common Pleas of former Bellaire water clerk Lisa Flaherty.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012.
A former Augusta Township (Carroll County) fiscal officer was indicted Wednesday on 30 counts of theft in office.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Wayne County’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost issues a statement regarding the sentencing today in U.S. District Court of former community school treasurer Carl W. Shye, Jr.
Medicaid provider Total Home Health Care (Franklin County) owes the state more than $1.6 million for unauthorized or undocumented charges for home health services, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Falsified authorization to increase her own pay and writing checks to her own family members—then endorsing them herself—were among findings in excess of $9,700 issued against the former clerk of the Village of Jerusalem (Monroe County).
Deficit fund balances in police and fire pension funds, along with the failure to perform basic accounting reconciliations, prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to declare the City of Chillicothe (Ross County) in a state of fiscal caution.
Contracting with the county Sheriff’s office for dispatch services and bringing health insurance and staffing in line with peers are among more than $1.3 million in potential annual savings available to the City of Findlay.
No new instance of potential record “scrubbing” was found in the second interim report concerning the review of school attendance practices in Ohio, released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The Dublin City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
No new instance of potential record “scrubbing” was found in the second interim report concerning the review of school attendance practices in Ohio.
The City of Bucyrus’ excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012.
The Office of Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost received a clean audit opinion for fiscal year 2012 and earned a Certificate of Achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association for the office’s fiscal year 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012.
Nearly $4.2 million was stolen from the Cuyahoga Heights School District by a former IT director according to a special audit of the district released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
A recent financial audit of the City of Tallmadge by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The City of Orville’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Stark County’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
“Lake Metroparks is clearly committed to maintaining accurate records," Auditor Yost said when presenting the entity with the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The City of Painesville’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented to the city today.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012.
Improving water treatment infrastructure and contracting out services at the Village of the City of Gallipolis (Gallia County) are among nearly $1.6 million in potential savings identified in a performance audit report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Substantial deficit balances at the Village of Newcomerstown (Tuscarawas County) prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to place the village in a state of fiscal emergency.
A former secretary currently under indictment for theft is cited for $9,700 in missing funds in an audit report released today for the Clermont County General Health District by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012.
The City of East Cleveland’s failure to present a feasible financial recovery plan prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to declare the city in a state of fiscal emergency.
The Coshocton County Regional Airport Authority foot the bill for their former fiscal officer’s personal cell phone and undocumented credit card purchases, according to an audit of Coshocton County released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Deficit balances, significant audit citations, failure to file financial reports and unauditable records put Newton Township (Trumbull County) into fiscal caution, according to a declaration today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost issued a statement regarding the City of Akron Financial Audit report released today.
Auditor of State Dave Yost issues the following statement regarding the state Board of Education’s support of his recommendation that the General Assembly change state law to give the Ohio Department of Education access to student names.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Moving Ohio’s outsourced Statewide Student Identifier system (SSID) to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) could save more than $430,000 annually, or $4.3 million over a 10-year period, according to an interim performance audit report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012.
First Phase of School Attendance Audit Released
Auditor of State Dave Yost released today an interim report concerning the review of school attendance practices in Ohio, which showed irregularities and made initial recommendations to improve the system
Chronic failure to document expenditures led to more than $14,000 in findings for recovery at the Village of Albany (Athens County), according to an audit report released today by the Auditor of State’s office.
An accelerated two-month audit of Tuba Rescue Transportation, a Hamilton County-based Medicaid provider, resulted in the denial of more than $306,000 in services billed for transportation of Ohio Medicaid patients.
Using a township credit card for personal purchases and improperly increasing benefits for elected officials led to $22,640 in findings for recovery issued in the audit of Falls Township (Muskingum County.
Auditor of State Dave Yost released an interim report concerning the review of school attendance practices in Ohio, which showed irregularities and made initial recommendations to improve the system.
Thanks to Sheriff Kyle Overmyer, Sandusky County jail inmates help to save tens of thousands of dollars each year by growing their own food. Auditor of State Dave Yost recognized Sheriff Overmyer’s extraordinary efforts to save public dollars in a ceremony today and presented him with the first-ever Auditor of State Taxpayer Hero Award.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
A recent financial audit of the City of Newark (Licking County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Newton Falls Joint Fire District (Trumbull County) on the “unauditable” list.
A recent financial audit of the City of North Olmsted by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The Orange City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The Kenston Local School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
A recent financial audit of the West Geauga Local School District (Geauga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
A recent financial audit of Clermont County by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The City of Beachwood’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
A recent financial audit of the Shaker Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
Henry County Commissioner Richard Myers was indicted Wednesday by the Henry County Grand Jury on one count of felony unlawful interest in a public contract, following an investigation by the Auditor of State’s office.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012.
Missing lunch money led to more than $6,500 in findings for recovery issued in an audit of the Hillsboro City School District (Highland County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
A recent financial audit of the City of Barberton by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The City of Kent’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012.
The City of Westerville’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The Mayfield City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Findings Issued Against Healthcare Provider
Insufficient records and care given that was never ordered by a doctor led to more than $195,000 in findings issued in the Medicaid provider audit of Carol S. Sito, LPN, of Ashtabula County.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Increasing flight time for a state plane used for aerial mapping is among recommendations that could save the Ohio Department of Transportation $3 million in one-time and first-year savings.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012.
Written for the Ohio Association of School Business Officials
One in Four Ohio Villages, Townships and Special Districts Could Be Eligible
Warrensville Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County) should improve its budgeting and early intervention procedures, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012.
The City of Conneaut’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
A recent financial audit of the City of Reynoldsburg by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The City of Reynoldsburg’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Villages, Townships, Special Governments Eligible Could Cut Audit Costs in Half
Auditor of State Dave Yost today adopted new audit policies that could save one in four Ohio governments as much as half of their traditional full audit costs.
Chief Deputy Auditor Bob Hinkle today was sworn in as the president of the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012.
Possible ethics violations, an overpayment to an employee and fiscal issues plague the Value Learning and Teaching Academy (Hamilton County), according to the 2011 audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost. Findings for recovery total $3,333.
Poor overall recordkeeping and reporting in Washington Township (Tuscarawas County), along with undocumented expenditures of more than $1,900, were among the citations in an audit report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that two entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports released today.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012.
Audit Cites Need for Formal Policies and Procedures
The State of Ohio has too many planes, fragmented accounting for their costs and nonexistent standards governing their use, according to an audit of ODOT’s Office of Aviation released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Union County’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, presented to the county today by Auditor Yost.
The City of Grandview Heights’ excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that two entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012.
A default on outstanding debt at the Village of Tiro (Crawford County) prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to place the village in a state of fiscal emergency.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following three entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012.
A recent financial audit of the City of Powell (Delaware County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
More than $13,000 in student fees is missing from the Warrensville Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County), according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that three entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Overpayments for contracted services between the Tri-Village Ambulance District (Darke County) and Tri-Village Rescue Services led to more than $30,000 in findings for recovery.
Public funds paid for the personal court costs of a board member at the now closed Ashe Cultural Center community school Elite Academy of the Arts (Cuyahoga County).
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2012.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Warren Water Authority (Jefferson County) on the “unauditable” list.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce four entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012.
Initial response to the temporary hotline established by Auditor of State Dave Yost yesterday has been strong, with 24 calls since 4:30 p.m. last evening, including a number of anonymous reports.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Auditor of State Dave Yost has established a temporary telephone hotline for all employees of Columbus City Schools to report any information about potential manipulation of attendance records.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The City of Monroe’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012.
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding the announcement today of the indictment of two former employees of the Village of Arlington Heights on charges of embezzling more than $262,000 from the mayor’s court.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entitiy received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 31, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 26, 2012.
More than $2,000 in public money went missing under the watch of a former secretary for the City of Springboro Building and Zoning Department (Warren County), according to a special audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Privately contracting for solid waste collection and street sweeping could save the City of Cincinnati Public Service Department more than $2 million annually, according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 24, 2012.
Nearly $50,000 in missing gift cards at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University (Greene County) was identified in an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Out-of-pocket Drug Co-Pays Not an Allowable Employee Benefit
Brown Township (Carroll County) mistakenly approved $5,000 in reimbursements for health insurance expenses not allowed under Ohio law, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The Erie County Auditor’s office was recognized for efficient staffing and high productivity in a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Indicted Insurance Administrator to Enter Plea July 25
Brown County received $137,007.57 this week in restitution from Van Workman, a third party administrator, who has been charged with defrauding the county and its employees of their health insurance payments.
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 19, 2012.
More than $42,000 was nearly lost to the Village of Carrollton (Carroll County) because of a mistaken double payment to a contractor that went uncorrected for more than a year, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
A shopping trip at Best Buy resulted in nearly $4,500 of questionable purchases by the Imagine Schools on Superior (Stark County), according to an audit of the community school released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 17, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 12, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that three entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The former school treasurer was absent from work 42 times without using leave, according to an audit of the Northwest Local School District (Scioto County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost. More than $11,000 in findings for recovery was issued.
Franklin Township (Richland County) trustees and the fiscal officer were overpaid by more than $18,000 in 2009 and 2010, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 10, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the two entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
A total of $1,700 was found missing from the Village of Leetonia (Columbiana County) Water Lab, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 3, 2012.
The following statement may be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding the decision to put $235 million of surplus state funds into the “Rainy Day Fund.”
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 3, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports released today.
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 28, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 26, 2012.
Carl W. Shye Jr., 57, of New Albany, Ohio pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court today to one count of embezzlement from a program receiving federal funds.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Village of Mt. Victory (Hardin County) on the “unauditable” list.
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 21, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost recently swore in Andrew Bodzak as the new investigator in the Special Investigations Unit for the Youngstown and Akron-Canton areas.
Sketchy payments and poor records at the Carter G. Woodson Institute (Montgomery County) led to $168,772 in findings for recovery, according to the school’s closeout audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the two entities that received the Auditor of State Award for clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 19, 2012.
Berea City Schools (Cuyahoga County) Treasurer Randal Scherf overpaid himself nearly $28,000 in medical insurance expenses, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 14, 2012.
Adjustments to staff levels and bus routes will help the Upper Scioto Valley Local School District (Hardin County) address forecasted future deficits according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Nearly $3,000 was identified as missing from the Village of Leesburg (Highland County) police evidence room in an audit report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report released today.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 12, 2012.
Overhauling insurance programs could help save more than $1.7 million at the Buckeye Local School District, according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released the City of Girard (Trumbull County) from fiscal emergency, a status it has held since 2001.
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 7, 2012.
Although Ohio law permits townships to pay employees cash in lieu of health insurance, Goshen Township (Clermont County) exceeded allowable amounts for such payments by nearly $12,000, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost in response to Gov. Kasich’s signing today of H.B. 326, which creates a misdemeanor penalty for violations of existing law prohibiting the use of public funds to support or oppose a levy or bond issue.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report released today.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 5, 2012.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Village of Brady Lake (Portage County) on the “unauditable” list.
Carl Shye’s list of debts to taxpayer grows by more than $52,000 with today’s release of the closeout audit of the New City Community School (Montgomery County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Renegotiating health insurance costs and administrator pensions could save $355,000 annually at the Black River Local School District (Medina County), according to a performance audit released Thursday by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 31, 2012.
Failure by the City of East Cleveland to submit an acceptable financial recovery plan to address the concerns outlined in its fiscal caution declaration prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to elevate the city’s status to fiscal watch.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
The Crooksville Exempted Village School District (Perry County) treasurer overpaid himself by $23,000 according to the district’s 2011 audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that entities in Adams and Portage counties received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
An Ohio Auditor of State investigation led to the arrest of former Bellaire Water Clerk Lisa Flaherty earlier today in Broome County, New York.
The Mentor Exempted Village School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 24, 2012.
A former school superintendent and treasurer used the district credit card for $6,710 in hotels and airfare without providing documentation according to an audit of Warrensville Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Implementation Could Save Taxpayers $800,000 Per Year
Taxpayers spent an extra $3.3 million over the last four years to pay for ODOT’s mandated use of biodiesel fuel in its vehicles, according to a performance audit interim report released by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
A recent financial audit of the Groveport Madison Local School District (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost announces embezzlement charges against former charter-school treasurer, Carl W. Shye, Jr. of New Albany. The embezzlement in question allegedly occurred between 2005 and 2011.
Add another $95,139 to embattled charter school Treasurer Carl Shye’s list of debts to taxpayers with today’s release of the Arts Academy, Arts Academy West and Patriot Preparatory Academy audits by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Significant deficit fund balances and incomplete financial records prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to declare Madison Township (Richland County) in a state of fiscal caution.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Carl W. Shye Jr., 57, of New Albany, Ohio was charged with embezzling more than $470,000 in federal funds between 2005 and 2011 while serving as treasurer for a number of community schools in Ohio.
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 17, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
An audit of Clark Township (Coshocton County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost found $5,889 in overpayments for employee health insurance reimbursements to two employees.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 15, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Failure to present an acceptable financial recovery plan by the Monroe Local School District (Butler County) prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to place the district in a state of fiscal emergency.
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 10, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 8, 2012.
An online database of fraud complaints against public offices goes live today, according to Auditor of State Dave Yost.
A former village water clerk failed to deposit more than $13,000 in cash payments for water bills to the Village of South Amherst (Lorain County), according to an audit of the village released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 3, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 1, 2012.
State agency performance audit gives 20-to-one return
A total of $6 million in potential savings was identified in the status update report to the Ohio Department of Transportation released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 26, 2012.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 24, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that one entity received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
The Medina City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today the City of Elyria will receive LEAP funding for a performance audit, which will help streamline operations and identify potential savings for the city’s taxpayers.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for clean audit reports.
The Vandalia-Butler City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 19, 2012.
The Fiscal Integrity Act was presented today by Auditor of State Dave Yost, Representative Christina Hagan and Senator Tim Schaffer. This newly proposed legislation would address the Ohio Supreme Court decision concerning former Stark County Treasurer Gary Zeigler, among other provisions to boost accountability and penalize wrong-doing.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the entity that received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
A recent financial audit of the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (Montgomery County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The Sandusky City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost, Representative Christina Hagan, and Senator Tim Schaffer introduce legislation that will boost accountability and penalize wrong-doing by fiscal officers and school treasurers.

Written for the Ohio Grocers Association
More than 17,000 people have received 10 or more reissued food stamp cards from the State of Ohio. That’s a red flag that caused the office to examine the state’s procedures for managing food stamp cards.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Village of North Star (Darke County) on the “unauditable” list.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Village of Smithfield (Jefferson County) on the “unauditable” list.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 17, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 12, 2012.
First-of-its-kind Effort Shows Equipment Used as Little as 1 day in 30
Twenty-four governments in Lake County use street sweepers, sewer maintenance vehicles and road repair equipment at rates as low as 3 percent, or about 1 day in a month, according to a study released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the following entities that received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The Newark City School District's excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Evaluations of Auditor of State Dave Yost's office operations and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) have earned accolades from the National State Auditors Association and the Government Finance Officers Association.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 10, 2012.
The City of Louisville’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that four entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 5, 2012.
Despite a contract agreement that did not provide for extra pay, the treasurer of the Liberty Local School District (Trumbull County) paid herself nearly $5,000 for work done at the district’s charter school, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that two entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
Federal questioned costs in the State Single Audit dropped by more than 90 percent this year, from $105 million in FY 2010 to $8.3 million in FY 2011, as reported today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce the entities who received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 29.
Fairfield County's excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented to the district by Auditor Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that eight entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
Twenty-one recommendations add up to more than $1.3 million in potential annual savings for the city of Maumee, according to a performance audit released Thursday by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Greater Achievement Community School Closeout Audit Released
Public money deposited into the superintendent’s personal bank account and overall terrible bookkeeping at the Greater Achievement Community School led to $578,357 in findings for recovery in the closeout audit (fiscal years 2004-2010) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that four entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 20, 2012.
Embattled charter school treasurer Carl Shye is jointly responsible for nearly $55,000 in findings for recovery in the closeout audit of the Peterson Entrepreneurial Training Enterprise (PETE) (Montgomery County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that four entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 20, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 15, 2012.
A former county sheriff bought shoes, neckties and amusement park passes with taxpayer dollars, according to the special audit of the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department’s Furtherance of Justice Fund, released by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Lack of checks and balances led to more than $240,000 in findings for recovery in the 2007 audit of the Warrensville Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
A performance audit prompted by the London City School District’s (Madison County) fiscal caution status identified more than $1.3 million in potential savings, according to the report released by Auditor of State Dave Yost today.
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding H.B. 396, involving administrative law and the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that eight entities received the Auditor of State Award for clean audit reports.
In recognition of Sunshine Week, the Auditor of State shares the response rates to a recent request for public records and his concern over timely response.
Results Reported for Sunshine Week
Only 60 percent of Ohio cities responded promptly to a recent request for public records by the Auditor of State’s office.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 13, 2012.
Phantom bus routes submitted through falsified time sheets by a Windham Exempted Village School District bus driver led to a finding for recovery in the district’s audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
More than $23,000 in student tuition and fees is missing from school coffers, according to an audit of the Salem City School District (Columbiana County) released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Confusion over outside bank accounts led to findings for recovery exceeding $11,000 in the Olentangy Local School District athletic department, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 8, 2012.
Without raising taxes, the Federal Hocking Local School District in Athens County emerged from fiscal emergency today.
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released the McDonald Local School District (Trumbull County) from its fiscal emergency status, which it held since 2009.
After being placed on the “unauditable” list in January, the Toledo Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) submitted the necessary documentation to allow the audit to move toward completion.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that seven entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Auditor of State Dave Yost released the Beaver Local School District (Columbiana County) from fiscal emergency today, a status they held since February of 2010.
More than $929,000 in Findings for Recovery Issued
Booze, missing money, missing records and self-dealing has led to more than $929,850 in findings for recovery in the special audit of Dayton-area Richard Allen Academy schools released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012.
A recent financial audit of the Highland Local School District (Medina County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
The Rocky River School District's excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented to the district by Auditor Yost.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that five entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012.
Care must be exercised with any “pick-up” of employee share of benefits
Health insurance, transportation and special education are the three largest opportunities among more than $1.3 million in potential cost-savings at Madison Local School District in Lake County, according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
“This performance audit gives management the data to make wise decisions about personnel costs," Auditor of State Dave Yost said. The report revealed that employees of the Greene County Educational Service Center make more than their peers.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that six entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The Worthington City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented to the district by Auditor Yost at a board meeting last night.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012.
Projected deficits prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost today to declare the Monroe Local School District (Butler County) in a state of fiscal watch.
Lake Metroparks’ excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
“This is a major step in the right direction,” Auditor of State Dave Yost said. “The tough decisions being made by the Jackson County Combined General Health District will benefit the county’s taxpayers for years to come.”
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012.
The Lancaster City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented to the district by Auditor Yost yesterday.
The Westlake City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, which was presented today by Auditor Yost.
More than two-thirds of all Medicaid charges by a Cleveland-based ambulette service were not doctor-approved, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
For the fourth time in the past six months, Auditor of State Dave Yost is citing community school treasurer, Carl Shye, for illegally spending taxpayer dollars at three separate schools. The multiple findings for recovery issued against him now total more than $600,000.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that three entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports released on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012.
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost in response to today’s action by the General Assembly on H.B. 66.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed Madison Township (Richland County) on the “unauditable” list.
The Cloverleaf Local School District is in a state of fiscal emergency, declared today by Auditor of State Dave Yost. The action came at the request of the school district, which will now be placed under the supervision of a state commission.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that six entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports released Jan. 24, 2012.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012.
As a result of inadequate financial records, Auditor of State Dave Yost placed the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) on the “unauditable” list.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that two entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports released January 19, 2012.
As much as $81,000 annually can be saved by the Pickerington Police Department through changes to its employee benefit package, according to the performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012.
Offers Recommendations to ODJFS
The State of Ohio reissued nearly 340,000 food stamp EBT cards in 2011 – and 17,000 recipients received 10 or more reissued cards, according to an evaluation of the program by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
More than $142,000 in Findings Against Provider Since August
An audit of Lincare, Inc., a national Medicaid provider specializing in durable medical equipment, including oxygen equipment, included more than $74,500 in findings.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that three entities received the Auditor of State Award for the clean audit reports.
A recent financial audit of the Avon Lake City School District by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The Avon Lake City School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012.
Incomplete and inaccurate records led to nearly $14,000 in findings for recovery and numerous citations in the 2010 audit of The Arts Academy released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Six government entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost in response to the January 6 decision by the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas concerning The International Preparatory School.
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012.
Auditor of State Dave Yost declared a state of fiscal caution for the City of East Cleveland in a meeting today with city officials.
The following statement may be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost in response to yesterday’s sentencing of Ann Johns, former Defiance County Deputy Clerk of Common Pleas Court.
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012.
Butler Township trustees and the fiscal officer owe $21,776 for having taxpayers pick up the tab for their share of the state pension fund, as issued in a 2009-2010 audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.