Press Release • Ohio Auditor of State
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 24
Columbus – Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and misuse of public money.
Audit reports are released semiweekly. The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017. Entities earning the Auditor of State Award are bold and italicized. If there are findings for recovery in an audit or determinations that money was improperly spent and must be repaid, that audit will be marked by an asterisk. Audits with Medicaid findings will be marked with a plus sign (+).
A full copy of each report is available online.
Adams | Adams County Public Library Adams County Metropolitan Housing Authority |
Ashland | Ashland Area Council for Economic Development |
Athens | City of Nelsonville |
Auglaize | Auglaize County Family and Children First Council |
Belmont | Morristown Park District |
Butler | City of Hamilton Electric System City of Hamilton Gas System City of Hamilton Water System City of Hamilton-Wastewater System Fairfield Township |
Clermont | Village of Owensville |
Coshocton | Coshocton Public Library |
Crawford | Village of Crestline |
Cuyahoga | City of Bay Village Cuyahoga Heights Local School District Mark Gipson Rocky River Community Improvement Corporation |
Defiance | City of Defiance |
Erie | City of Huron |
Fairfield | Multi-County Juvenile Detention Center* |
Franklin | City of Dublin* |
Guernsey | City of Cambridge |
Hamilton | Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority |
Hardin | City of Kenton Hardin Northern Local School District |
Hocking | Hocking County Board of Development- Disabilities (Reissue) + |
Holmes | Berlin Township |
Huron | City of Willard Mary Ames Mary Peters |
Jackson | City of Wellston |
Jefferson | Jefferson County Agricultural Society |
Mahoning | Jackson Township Village of Craig Beach |
Montgomery | Area Agency on Aging, Planning and Service - Area 2- Passport Administrative Agency City of Englewood James Schoen |
Pickaway | Northern Pickaway County Joint Economic Development District |
Preble | Preble County Educational Service Center |
Ross | Paint Valley Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health- Service Board |
Shelby | Shelby County Metropolitan Housing Authority |
Stark | City of Alliance City of Canton Nimishillen Township |
Summit | City of Barberton City of Macedonia Twin Keystone Water District |
Tuscarawas | Khurram Butt |
Warren | Warren County Regional Planning Commission |
Wood | Northwestern Water and Sewer District |
The Auditor of State’s office, one of five independently elected statewide offices in Ohio, is responsible for auditing more than 5,900 state and local government agencies. Under the direction of Auditor Dave Yost, the office also provides financial services to local governments, investigates and prevents fraud in public agencies and promotes transparency in government.
Public Affairs
(614) 644-1111