Press Release • Ohio Auditor of State
Audit Releases for Thursday, September 22
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Columbus - Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and misuse of public money.
Audit reports are released semi-weekly. The following audits will be released Thursday, September 22, 2011. Entities earning the Auditor of State Award are bold and italicized. If there are findings for recovery in an audit or determinations that money was improperly spent and must be repaid, that audit will be marked by an asterisk.
A full copy of each report is available online.
Ashland | Loudonville Independent Agricultural Society |
Belmont | Village of Bellaire* |
Defiance | City of Defiance |
Fairfield | Pickerington Public Library |
Gallia | Gallia County District Board of Health |
Hamilton | City of Cincinnati Hamilton County Agricultural Society Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission |
Henry | Monroe Township |
Huron | Hartland Township Huron County Financial Condition |
Lake | City of Willoughby Hills |
Licking | Granville Township Sanitary District |
Lucas | Lucas County Financial Condition |
Montgomery | Montgomery County Financial Condition |
Paulding | Paulding County Financial Condition |
Stark | Stark County Financial Condition Stark County Port Authority |
Summit | City of New Franklin |
Wayne | Tri-County Computer Services Association Wayne County Financial Condition |
The Auditor of State is one of five independently elected offices under the Ohio Constitution. Auditor Yost’s office is responsible for auditing over 5,600 state and local government agencies. Staff also works in partnership with state and local governments to deal effectively with financial, accounting and budgetary issues.
Public Affairs
(614) 644-1111