Performance Audit

College Credit Plus (CCP)

Audit overview

The College Credit Plus program provides students in 7th through 12th grade the option to earn college credit at little to no cost. The program has been successful, with the number of credits earned annually by participating students tripling compared to the state’s previous dual enrollment program.

College Credit Plus offers students an opportunity for significant cost savings; the average participating student graduates with nearly 15 college credits, the equivalent of one semester. These students can take advantage of this head start by graduating college early, participating in internships sooner, or scheduling classes while maintaining a part-time job.

Despite the obvious benefits of College Credit Plus, we found that the program was not consistently promoted or used at the local school district level. Our audit contains several recommendations that will help the Ohio General Assembly, the Ohio Department of Education, and the Ohio Department of Higher Education to work together alongside school districts and institutions of higher education to improve the program and increase participation throughout the state.

Data dashboards

Using data from ODE and ODHE, we created a series of dashboards to better explore and understand student participation in College Credit Plus. These dashboards are linked to the left and can be used to review participation by school district, college, or university. The information shown in the dashboards can be used to identify potential areas for targeted improvements to the College Credit Plus Program.