The General Assembly, in the FY 2024-2025 budget bill, requested this performance audit. The state is currently upgrading to a Next Generation 911 system that leverage advancements in technology to improve the capabilities and interconnectedness of the emergency response system. This upgrade will cost millions of dollars and is funded at the state level through a fee charged to wireless phone users. The General Assembly requested the audit to determine the appropriateness of the fee structure.
The amount of revenue required to support the Next Generation 911 system is dependent on a number of variables. While we determined that the current fee of $0.40 would result in excess fund balances and reverting to a fee of $0.25 would result in negative fund balances, determining an appropriate fee will require the consideration of a variety of policy decisions as outlined in the report.
Due to the number of variables that would impact fund balances over time, we created a data tool intended to assist the General Assembly and other interested parties in understanding how policy decisions can impact available funding levels. Data Tool