b'Ohios Boundaries southerly extreme of Lake MichiganandThe Enabling Act of 1802 estab- thencethrough Lake Erie, to thelished the soon-to-be states boundaries Pennsylvania lineas: bounded on the east by the This description is not as specificPennsylvania line, on the south by the as it needed to be. Later Ohio would haveOhio river, to the mouth of the Great to settle some land disputes because ofMiami river, to the west by the line some uncertainty about the boundary,drawn due north from the mouth of the especially to the north regardingGreat Miami, and on the north by an Michigans boundary and to the southeast and west line drawn through the regarding rights on the Ohio River.Along the Ohio TrailThere was no mistaking Governor St. Clairs view on makingOhio a state. He had governed the Northwest Territory fromthe beginning, and in some ways he could not move on with thetimes. He would have no power in this new state, and as he grewolder, he became grumpier and less effective as a leader.As the new territorial legislature met to discuss Ohiosfuture, St. Clair asked to speak to the group. Many did not wantto hear what he had to say, but one of his enemies suggestedthey listenbecause he thought St. Clair might just say enoughto get himself in big trouble.Guess what? He did. He ranted and raved about howCongress had no right to pass a new law that affected thisterritory. He even told the group to just ignore the new law.Before long, President Jefferson himself heard what St. Clairhad said. Jefferson dismissed St. Clair from office and sent areplacement right away. Charles WillingByrd, the man who handed St. Clair hisdismissal papers, was his replacement.His angry last yearsovershadowed the great work hehad done for the NorthwestTerritory. In 1818, poor and livingin an old log cabin in Pennsylvania,Arthur St. Clair died.page 67'