b'Paleoindians because of the importance of stones,Eventually, by around 13,000 B.C., especially flint, in the peoples lives. some of these people reached the Ohio There is evidence that theseCountry (long before it was ever named hunters lived in caves in the Ohio region.Ohio). This was during an Ice Age. They did not build homes because theyhad to keep moving, following the animalsthey hunted. Archaeologists, scientistswho dig in the earth to find fossils andrelics of ancient people, found skeletonsof mastodons and other large animals inOhio from this Ice Age. They foundhuman skeletons and flint weapons nearPaleoindian spear points come in a variety some mastodon skeletons. That tells scien-of shapes and sizes. Graphic (Q) tists that Paleoindians hunted these hugePeople who lived very long ago are called beasts. Today their skeletons can be seenPaleoindians. The word paleo means old. in museums such as those in Cleveland andVery large animals, like mastodons and Columbus.mammoths (huge, furry elephant-like As the glaciers melted and movedanimals), lived then, too. The Paleoindian further north, these large animals becamepeople hunted these and other animals. extinct. None of them survived. TheThey probably gathered nuts andPaleoindian people disappeared, too. Onlyberries, too.their tools and weapons stayed behind inHow do we know about these people Ohio. The land held these fossils untilif they didnt write? Some other evidence modern scientists found them.has been found. Spearpoints and stone toolshave been uncovered[see graphic (Q)] .These were made offlint, a hard rock thathas sharp edges whenit is broken. Ohio wasa good source of flintfor these people. Thenext age after thelast Ice Age is named During the Ice Age, Paleoindians hunted a variety of big gamethe Stone Age animals including caribou. Graphic (R)page 9'