b'the tribes, asking them to considermeeting with him in order to avoid afight. Reportedly, their leader LittleTurtle wanted to discuss options forpeace, but the other natives would nothave it. Neither the warriors nor theBritish would listen to him.On August 20, 1794, a battlebegan. In present-day Lucas County, alarge area had been hit at some long-ago time by a strong wind, perhaps evena tornado. Tall trees had been blowndown all around. Whites called this areaFallen Timbers[see graphic (BBB)]. ThisThis map shows the positions and movementsof the American troops and the Indians duringthe Battle of Fallen Timbers. Graphic (BBB)Along the Ohio TrailWant to play dot-to-dot? Here are the actual words of the Treaty of Greenville,describing the boundary. Read it. Then, step by step, see if you can trace the boundarycompletely.The general boundary line between the lands of the United States and the lands ofthe said Indian tribes shall begin at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River and run thence upthe same to the Portage between the Tuscarawas branch of the Muskingum, thence downthat branch to the crossing place above Fort Laurens, thence westwardly to a fork of thatbranch of the Great Miami running into the Ohio, at or near which stood Loramies Storeand where commenced the portage between the Miami of the Ohio and St. Marys River,which runs into Lake Erie [Maumee River]; thence a westerly course to Fort Recovery,which stands on a branch of the Wabash; thence southerly in a direct line to the Ohio, soas to intersect that river opposite the mouth of the Kentucky or Cuttawa River.You can check out some of these very sites yourself. Monuments stand at the sitesof Ft. Washington, Ft. St. Clair, Ft. Jefferson, Ft. Recovery, Ft. Defiance, and even FallenTimbers (In the town of Ft. Recovery, part of a fort has been reconstructed). Anotherreconstructionof Loramies Storecan be visited in the village of Ft.Loramie, Ohio.page 54'