b'Christian Delaware Indian followers (who Afraid of losing their lands andwill be discussed later) moved from angry at the broken promises, the nativePennsylvania into new settlements in Indian warriors attacked the settler vil-Ohio: Schoenbrunn (meaning beautiful lages on the edge of the frontier. Many set-spring), Gnadenhutten (tents of grace), tlers and Indians were killed during theseand Lichtenau (fields of light). These attacks. Such was life at that time onChristian settlers and Indians lived what was the western frontier of ourpeacefully with the Delaware already country.living in Ohio. The first churches and Fighting between settlers andschools in Ohio were set up by the Indians continued, and the settlerMoravians in these villages. leaders knew they needed to do some-Unfortunately, the peace of the thing before the situation got completelyMoravians and native Indians would not out of control. In the spring of 1774,last long. Lord Dunmore, the British governor ofAt this time colonists, residents of Virginia, led a group of 1,000 men downthe thirteen colonies, were having the Ohio River. Another army led bytrouble with Englands rules. They Andrew Lewis fought a group of Shawneeresented having to live by rules set up by Indian warriors at Point Pleasant in a longa government so far away and so and tiring battle that Lewisout of touch with life in eventually won. Both armiesAmerica. They especially then moved west intodisliked being told not the Hocking Valleyto settle in areas and to Pickaway,that seemed to where Shawneeoffer them so villages were.much: good farm- Dunmore estab-land, good hunting lished peace withand trapping, and the Shawnee,lots of land to use promising toas they pleased. leave the nativesSo, the colonists north of the Ohioignored Englands River in peace iflaws and treaties with whites could settlethe Indians and began south of the Ohiomoving into the regions of River without beingOhio and Kentucky in great attacked or threatened. numbers.Portrait of a Delaware Indian. Graphic (JJ)page 28'