2020 Technical Bulletins

The Auditor of State's Office periodically releases Technical Bulletins to offer guidance to the government entities it serves. All bulletins since 1981 are compiled in one file, All Bulletins.pdf, for easy searching. Bulletins are occasionally updated, so some previously issued bulletins have been removed.

For an explanation of the changes, see the Bulletins Spreadsheet.xlsx.

2020-008 Auditor of State Regulatory Cash Basis Financial Reporting Framework — Fund Balance Classification Reporting Revisions

The purpose of this Bulletin is to communicate revisions to simplify the reporting of fund balance classifications in the AOS regulatory cash basis financial statements and footnotes.

Status File Issued
Active 2020-008.pdf Dec 2020

2020-007 Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) COVID-19 Rebates/Dividends

On November 2, 2020, the BWC Board of Directors approved Governor Mike DeWine’s request to send $5 billion in dividends to Ohio employers to ease COVID-19’s continued impact on the state’s business community and workforce. This is the third dividend declared and paid in 2020, bringing total dividend dollars for employers to nearly $8 billion this year to ease the financial pressure on private and public employers during the pandemic. This bulletin addresses questions from local government officials asking to which funds they should apportion the dividend.

Status File Issued
Active 2020-007.pdf Nov 2020

2020-006 Cash Collections—Best Practices

This bulletin provides general background related to the importance of good internal controls, policies, and procedures related to cash collections and deposit requirements, as well as specific guidance related to implementing and managing these controls for school district athletic events and agricultural society events.

Status File Revised
Active 2020-006.pdf Sep. 2023

2020-005 Hourly Billing Rates and Allocation of Audit Costs

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 2021-006. Jun 2021

2020-004 Estimating Historical Costs of Capital Assets Using the Consumer Price Index

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 2021-003. Mar 2021

2020-003 GASB 84: Fiduciary Activities

GASB 84 includes guidance for identifying fiduciary activities for accounting and financial reporting purposes and how those activities should be reported.

The GASB issued an Implementation Guide to supplement the guidance found in GASB 84. The Guide is organized in a question-and-answer format.

The requirements of this Statement apply to all Ohio state and local governments that prepare Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Statements, including those with a GAAP reporting requirement per Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 117-02-03(B). Some other governments may be subject to GAAP reporting requirements, such as through a debt covenant.

GASB 84 is effective for financial statements for periods beginning after December 15, 2018. Meaning, governments with a December 31 fiscal year end must apply it to their December 31, 2019, GAAP financial statements; school districts and other governments with a June 30 fiscal year-end must apply GASB 84 to their June 30, 2020, GAAP financial statements. Guidance from the implementation guide will also be effective at this time.

Any local governments that early implemented GASB 84 will also need to apply the guidance from the implementation guide.

Status File Issued
Active 2020-003.pdf Feb 2020

2020-002 Hourly Audit Rates and Allocation of Audit Costs

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been superseded by Bulletin 2020-005 (see above). *

2020-001 Fraud Hotline

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been superseded by Bulletin 2022-005. Jun 2022
* Some removal dates are not available for previous years.

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