Press Release • Ohio Auditor of State
Auditor Faber Announces February Auditor of State Award Recipients
For immediate release
Allie Dumski
Press Secretary
(614) 644-1111
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
- Lima-Allen Regional Planning Commission (Allen County)
- Jefferson Area Local School District (Ashtabula County)
- Belmont-Harrison Vocational School District Belmont County)
- Brown County Schools Benefits Consortium (Brown County)
- Fairfield City School District (Butler County)
- Marshall High School (Butler County)
- Brown Local School District (Carroll County)
- Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (Clark County)
- Cliff Park High School (Clark County)
- U.S. Grant Joint Vocational School District (Clermont County)
- Goshen Local School District (Clermont County)
- Columbiana County Career and Technology Center (Columbiana County)
- United Local School District (Columbiana County)
- Coshocton City School District (Coshocton County)
- Coshocton Opportunity School (Coshocton County)
- Buckeye Central Local School District (Crawford County)
- Great Lakes Council of Governments (Cuyahoga County)
- Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District (Cuyahoga County)
- Cleveland College Preparatory School (Cuyahoga County)
- Ohio Connections Academy (Cuyahoga County)
- East Preparatory Academy (Cuyahoga County)
- Brooklyn City School District (Cuyahoga County)
- Solon City School District (Cuyahoga County)
- South Euclid-Lyndhurst City School District (Cuyahoga County)
- Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (Cuyahoga County)
- Vermilion Local School District (Erie County)
- South Central Ohio Insurance Consortium (Fairfield County)
- Focus Learning Academy of Southeastern Columbus (Franklin County)
- Grandview Heights City School District (Franklin County)
- Groveport Madison Local School District (Franklin County)
- Academy for Urban Scholars (Franklin County)
- Columbus Bilingual Academy-North (Franklin County)
- Great River Connections Academy (Franklin County)
- Columbus Collegiate Academy (Franklin County)
- Columbus Collegiate Academy West (Franklin County)
- Patriot Preparatory Academy (Franklin County)
- United Preparatory Academy (Franklin County)
- United Preparatory Academy East (Franklin County)
- Flex High School (Franklin County)
- Zenith Academy (Franklin County)
- Zenith Academy East (Franklin County)
- City of Chardon (Geauga County)
- Greene County Educational Service Center (Greene County)
- Finneytown Local School District (Hamilton County)
- Forest Hills Local School District (Hamilton County)
- Liberty Center Local School District (Henry County)
- Four County Career Center (Henry County)
- Lynchburg Clay Local School District (Highland County)
- Edison Local School District (Jefferson County)
- East Knox Local School District (Knox County)
- Knox County Career Center (Knox County)
- Johnstown-Monroe Local School District (Licking County)
- Educational Service Center of Lorain County (Lorain County)
- Lorain Bilingual Preparatory Academy (Lorain County)
- Maritime Academy of Toledo (Lucas County)
- Educational Service Center of Lake Erie Westb (Lucas County)
- South Range Local School District (Mahoning County)
- Youngstown Community School Mahoning County)
- Jackson-Milton Local School District (Mahoning County)
- Elgin Local School District (Marion County)
- Medina Metropolitan Housing Authority (Medina County)
- Dayton Business Technology High School (Montgomery County)
- City Day Community School (Montgomery County)
- Northmont City School District (Montgomery County)
- Liberty High School (Montgomery County)
- Morgan County Metropolitan Housing Authority (Morgan County)
- Tomorrow Center Community Schoo (Morrow County)
- Zanesville Community High School Muskingum County)
- Ohio School Benefits Cooperative (Muskingum County)
- Westfall Local School District (Pickaway County)
- Eastern Local School District (Pike County)
- James A. Garfield Local School District (Portage County)
- Rootstown Local School District (Portage County)
- The Richland School of Academic Arts (Richland County)
- Foundation Academy (Richland County)
- Stark County Metropolitan Housing Authority (Stark County)
- Canton City School District (Stark County)
- Plain Local School District (Stark County)
- Stark County Educational Service Center (Stark County)
- Tallmadge City School District (Summit County)
- Edge Academy (Summit County)
- Towpath Trail High School (Summit County)
- Green Local School District (Summit County)
- Akros Middle School (Summit County)
- Buckeye Joint Vocational School District (Tuscarawas County)
- Kings Local School District (Warren County)
- Rittman Academy (Wayne County)
- Dalton Local School District (Wayne County)
- Penta Career Center (Wood County)
The Auditor’s office presents the Auditor of State Award to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit. Less than eight percent of the entities we audit qualify for the Award. Entities that receive the Award meet the following criteria of a “clean” audit report:
- The entity must file financial reports with the Auditor of State’s office by the statutory due date, without extension, via the Hinkle System and in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles);
- The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weakness, significant deficiencies, Uniform Guidance (Single Audit) findings or questioned costs;
The entity’s management letter contains no comment related to:
- Ethics referrals
- Questioned costs less than the threshold per the Uniform Guidance
- Lack of timely annual financial report submission
- Bank reconciliation issues
- Failure to obtain a timely Single Audit in accordance with Uniform Guidance
- Findings for recovery less than $500
- Public meetings or public records issues
- The entity has no other financial or other concerns
The full reports will be available on the AOS website using Audit Search.
The Auditor of State’s office, one of five independently elected statewide offices in Ohio is responsible for auditing more than 6,000 state and local government agencies. Under the direction of Auditor Keith Faber, the office also provides financial services to local governments, investigates and prevents fraud in public agencies, and promotes transparency in government.