Press Release • Ohio Auditor of State
Shawnee Local Schools Employee Indicted on Theft Charges
Columbus – An employee of the Shawnee Local School District (Allen County) is facing theft charges for allegedly stealing more than $56,000 from the district and an affiliated booster organization.
An Allen County grand jury indicted Kimberly Hall on July 9 on single counts of theft in office (F-3), grand theft (F-4) and money laundering (F-3).
“School employees are supposed to promote a culture of integrity – not deceit,” Auditor Yost said. “I trust that justice will prevail once Ms. Hall has her day in court.”
Hall was a secretary at Shawnee Middle School before she took a position as facilities administrative assistant. She also served as treasurer of the Shawnee Baseball Boosters Association.
An investigation by the Auditor of State’s Public Integrity Assurance Team discovered that Hall used these positions to steal $34,400 from the school and $21,798 from the booster group. To conceal the theft, Hall made $14,347 in unexplained deposits into booster bank accounts.
Hall’s job responsibilities at the school included collecting fees for various school functions and depositing funds with the treasurer’s office. In her position as treasurer of the booster association, Hall was responsible for making deposits and withdrawals from booster bank accounts.
Since 2011, the Auditor of State’s office has helped secure 165 convictions across the state. An interactive map available here provides information on all of the cases.
The Auditor of State’s office, one of five independently elected statewide offices in Ohio, is responsible for auditing more than 5,900 state and local government agencies. Under the direction of Auditor Dave Yost, the office also provides financial services to local governments, investigates and prevents fraud in public agencies and promotes transparency in government.
Beth Gianforcaro
Press Secretary