Press Releases
Finding for Recovery of $2,977.44 Issued Against Former Village of Swanton Fiscal Officer for Late Fees and Penalties
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $2,977.94 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Village of Swanton in Fulton County over interest and penalties that resulted from late tax, retirement system, and credit card payments.
Auditor Declares Brushcreek Township as ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Brushcreek Township in Highland County has been declared “unauditable” for the period Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2023, due to inadequate financial records to complete an audit.
Former Ontario Water Plant Supervisor Indicted in Richland County over Falsified Military Leave Letter
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The Richland County Grand Jury has returned a three-count indictment against the former water department supervisor for the City of Ontario, who allegedly falsified a military leave request to cover days when he was actually serving a jail sentence for a probation violation.
Finding for Recovery of $5,363.96 Issued Against Elyria Township Fiscal Officer Over Late or Duplicate Tax and Credit Card Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $5,363.96 was issued Tuesday against the fiscal officer for Elyria Township in Lorain County over fees and penalties that resulted from late or duplicate credit card and tax payments.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received Auditor of State Awards in December for their clean audit reports.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Former Mayor of Ithaca in Darke County Repays $38,845.46 Following Investigation into Improper Compensation, Equipment Purchases
For Immediate Release
Former Allen County Regional Transit Authority Executive Director Indicted on Theft, Other Counts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The Allen County Grand Jury returned an indictment against the former executive director of the Allen County Regional Transit Authority over the alleged theft of nearly $27,000, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $26,979.13, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former LaGrange Township Employees
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Findings for recovery of $26,979.13 were issued Thursday against two former LaGrange Township employees in Lorain County over improper compensation they received, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $1,465 Issued Against Bloom Township Fiscal Officer over Late Tax and Workers’ Compensation Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $1,464.80 was issued Tuesday against the fiscal officer for Bloom Township in Scioto County over penalties and interest from late tax, workers’ compensation, and pension system payments.
Auditor of State Places Trimble Local Schools under Fiscal Watch
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Auditor of State Keith Faber placed the Trimble Local School District in Athens County in a state of fiscal watch Tuesday as a result of projected deficits in the current and future fiscal years.
Auditor Declares Union Township in Pike County as ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Union Township in Pike County has been declared “unauditable” for the period Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2023, due to inadequate financial statements and records to complete an audit.
Finding for Recovery of $1,079 Issued Against South Webster-Bloom Township Joint Fire District Over Late Tax Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $1,079 was issued Thursday against the fiscal officer for the South Webster-Bloom Township Joint Fire District in Scioto County over interest and penalties paid for late tax remittances.
Compliance Examination Identifies $1.75 Million in Improper Medicaid Payments to Lucas County-Based Provider
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – State auditors identified $1.75 million in improper Medicaid payments over a two-year period to Lucas County-based behavioral health services provider, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Fiscal Emergency Declared for Madison Township in Fairfield County after Auditors Identify Fund Deficits
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber declared a fiscal emergency Thursday for Madison Township in Fairfield County, after an analysis of the township’s finances confirmed fund deficits that exceeded what is allowed under state law.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Crosby Township Fiscal Officers for Penalties and Interest from Late Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of more than $54,600 were issued Thursday against fiscal officers for Crosby Township in Hamilton County over penalties and fees charged for late tax and other payments.
Annual Compliance and Control Review of JobsOhio Released
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Office has released the fiscal year 2024 compliance and control review of JobsOhio, the private nonprofit corporation created by the state to promote economic development and job creation.
Special Audit Details Criminal Case Against Former Hocking County Commissioner, Convicted on Theft and Other Counts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $25,282.53 was issued Tuesday against a former Hocking County Commissioner, who was convicted of theft and other criminal counts related to fraudulent credit card purchases, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Investigation into Former Crestline Fire Chief
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A special audit released Thursday details the criminal case against the former chief of the Crestline Fire Department, who was convicted after investigators determined he was paid for the same hours he worked at a state agency and local fire departments.
Richland County Prosecutor Jodie Schumacher Receives Public Integrity Award from Ohio Auditor of State’s Office
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Richland County Prosecutor Jodie Schumacher received top honors from Auditor of State Keith Faber for her collaboration and ongoing dedication to holding accountable those who lie, cheat, and steal from the public coffers.
Special Audit Includes Findings for Recovery of $103,606.31 Against Former Blendon Township Administrator
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $103,606.31 were issued Tuesday against a former Blendon Township administrator over improper compensation and misuse of a township credit card, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $9,242, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Clinton Township Employees
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $9,242 were issued Thursday against two employees of Clinton Township in Franklin County over improper vacation leave payouts.
Finding for Recovery of $5,804 Issued Over Fraudulent Checks that Resulted from Failed Bank Reconciliations
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $5,804 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer of Jefferson Township in Montgomery County over fraudulent checks that resulted from her failure to complete monthly bank account reconciliations.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Ohio Department of Medicaid Moving Toward Electronic Verification Requirement for Some In-Home Provider Services
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — More than half of Ohio Department of Medicaid-reimbursed home health services in 2022 were processed without new electronic verifications mandated by the federal government, according to a recent review by the Auditor of State’s Office.
Auditor Faber's Statement on Ohio Sen. Kirk Schuring
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber issued the following statement on the death of Ohio Sen. Kirk Schuring.
Former Intervention Specialist in Lawrence County Indicted on Theft in Office, Other Counts over Alleged Fraudulent Timecards
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A former intervention specialist for the Educational Service Center Council of Governments, working in Lawrence County, was indicted following allegations that she was paid for hours when she did not actually work, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Final Columbus Zoo Defendant Sentenced
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The former Director of Marketing for the Columbus Zoo was sentenced to five years in prison Monday for his role in the theft of $2.29 million in Zoo resources, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Statement on Former Ohio House Speaker Jo Ann Davidson
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber issued the following statement on the death of former Ohio House Speaker Jo Ann Davidson.
Former Columbus Zoo CEO Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The former Chief Executive Officer of the Columbus Zoo was sentenced to 7 years in prison Monday for his role in theft of $2.29 million in Zoo resources, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $69,698.48 Issued Against Former Sylvania Township Officer Over Insurance Premiums Paid for Second Spouse
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $69,698.48 was issued Tuesday against a former Sylvania Township police officer, who improperly added a second wife to his township health insurance coverage.
Special Audit Details Investigation of Former Dover Mayor, Who Was Convicted of Theft in Office and Other Criminal Counts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $13,979 was issued Tuesday against the former mayor of the City of Dover, who was convicted of theft in office and related criminal counts after he pocketed wedding fees that should have been directed to the city, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Wayne Local School District Treasurer and His Daughter Indicted on Theft, Related Counts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The Warren County Grand Jury has handed down indictments against a former school treasurer and his daughter on theft and related charges, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Declares Hamilton County Ag Society as ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The Hamilton County Agricultural Society has been declared “unauditable” for the period Dec. 1, 2021, through Nov. 30, 2023, due to inadequate financial statements and records to complete an audit.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $5,193 Issued Against Garrettsville Officials Over Penalties from Late Payroll Withholding Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $5,193 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer and assistant fiscal officer for the Village of Garrettsville in Portage County over penalties from the late payment of payroll withholdings.
Former Hocking County Commissioner, Ag Society Secretary Sentenced for Theft, Telecommunications Fraud
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former Hocking County Commissioner paid more than $25,000 in restitution Tuesday after she pleaded guilty to theft and other criminal counts related to fraudulent credit card purchases.
Third Defendant in Columbus Zoo Investigation Sentenced
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The former Director of Purchasing for the Columbus Zoo was sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined $5,000 for his role in the theft of more than $2 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $21,725, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former Bexley Assistant Finance Director
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $21,725 was issued Tuesday against the former assistant finance director for the city of Bexley, who was convicted of tampering with records and improperly pocketing public funds.
Second Defendant in Columbus Zoo Investigation Sentenced
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A former purchasing agent for the Columbus Zoo was ordered to pay $8,554.61 in restitution and audit costs Monday for his role in the theft of more than $2 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Recent financial audits of these entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce the entities that received Auditor of State Awards in July for their clean audit reports.
Finding for Recovery of $2,139 Issued Against Former Strasburg-Franklin Schools Treasurer for Vacation, Stipend Overpayments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $2,139 was issued Tuesday against a former treasurer for the Strasburg-Franklin Local School District in Tuscarawas County for vacation time and stipends she should not have been paid.
Former Columbus Zoo CFO Sentenced to 3 years in Prison, Ordered to Pay Restitution of $583,697.44 in Criminal Case
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former Chief Financial Officer for the Columbus Zoo was sentenced to three years in prison Monday for his role in the theft of more than $2 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber said.

Auditor of State Fellows Awarded Prestigious CPA Scholarships
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Four Future Leaders Fellows with the Ohio Auditor of State (AOS) have been awarded scholarships through the Ohio Society of CPAs Statewide Scholarship Program, which recognizes outstanding students pursuing careers in accounting and related fields. Each fellow will receive a $1,000 scholarship based on their academic merit and commitment to the field.
Former Hocking County Commissioner Pleads Guilty to Felony Charges, To Pay Over $25,000 in Restitution
For Immediate Release
LOGAN — Former Hocking County Commissioner Jessica Dicken pleaded guilty Tuesday to two felony charges and one misdemeanor for her role in the misuse of over $19,000 in public funds while serving as Secretary of the Hocking County Agricultural Society, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Fiscal Officers for the Village of Yorkville in Jefferson County Repay $29,086 in Penalties and Interest from Late Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $29,086 was repaid by two former fiscal officers for the Village of Yorkville in Jefferson County for interest and penalties charged after they failed to make tax and unemployment compensation payments in a timely manner.
Montgomery County Grand Jury Hands Down Indictments Against Clerk of Courts and Municipal Judge
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Montgomery County Grand Jury handed down a 12-count indictment Wednesday against Clerk of Courts Mike Foley and Municipal Judge James Piergies, after an investigation uncovered alleged improper political and other activities involving public resources, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Columbus Zoo CEO Pleads Guilty to 15 Felony Counts, Agrees to Pay Additional Restitution of $315,572.65
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former Chief Executive Officer of the Columbus Zoo pleaded guilty Tuesday to 15 felony charges for his role in the theft of more than $2.29 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber said.
Former Crestline Fire Chief Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail, Pays Restitution of $26,384 after Guilty Pleas to Theft in Office, Tampering
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The former chief of the Crestline Fire Department was sentenced to 60 days in the Richland County Jail in Mansfield after he pleaded guilty to two criminal counts related to working full-time jobs for multiple public agencies simultaneously.
Auditor of State Declares Fiscal Emergency for Vienna Township over Substantial Deficit and Treasury Deficiencies
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber declared a fiscal emergency Friday for Vienna Township in Trumbull County, after an analysis of the township’s finances confirmed a substantial deficit and treasury deficiencies.
Finding for Recovery of $5,961 Issued Against Scioto Ambulance District’s Former Fiscal Officer over Late Fees and Penalties
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $5,961 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer for the Scioto Ambulance District in McDermott over penalties that resulted from late tax and retirement system payments.
Former Director of Purchasing for the Columbus Zoo Pleads Guilty to Grand Theft, Other Counts in Alleged Theft of $2.29 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former director of purchasing for the Columbus Zoo pleaded guilty Monday as part of a larger investigation into the alleged theft of more than $2.29 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery Totaling $16,614 Issued Against Former Richland JFS Director
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $16,614 were issued Tuesday against the former director of Richland County Department of Job and Family Services (JFS), who was paid for more than 350 hours when she was not actually working.
Former Columbus Zoo Director of Marketing Pleads Guilty to 17 Criminal Counts for His Role in Alleged Theft of $2.29 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The former director of marketing for the Columbus Zoo pleaded guilty Tuesday to 17 criminal counts, admitting his role in the alleged theft of more than $2.29 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Investigation into Improper Ammunition Purchase by Former Bolivar Police Officer
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A special audit released Thursday details the investigation into a former Bolivar police officer, who was convicted of using his position to improperly procure ammunition for a Strasburg gun shop owner.
Conflict of Interest Involving Payments to Trustee-Owned Business Cited During Audit of Hopewell Township in Perry County
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — Auditors identified a conflict of interest during a review of Hopewell Township’s finances, after a trustee approved payments totaling $16,631 for services provided by a business he owned.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery, Resolved Under Audit, and Conflict of Interest Noted in Madison Township Biennial Audit
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $5,916 were repaid, under audit, by two Madison Township trustees, who were overpaid in 2022.
Finding for Recovery of $5,605 Issued Against Former Lima-Allen RPC Finance Director Following Theft in Office Conviction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $5,605 was issued Tuesday against the former finance director for the Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission, who was convicted of misusing a Commission credit card for personal gain.
Crestline Fire Chief Pleads Guilty to Theft in Office, Tampering with Records
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS — The chief of the Crestline Fire Department pleaded guilty Monday to two criminal charges after investigators determined he previously worked full-time jobs for multiple public agencies simultaneously, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Director of Purchasing Latest Columbus Zoo Employee Facing Criminal Charges in Alleged Theft of $2.29 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Another former Columbus Zoo official has been charged as part of a larger investigation into the alleged theft of more than $2.29 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $46,337 Issued Against Two Former Greene Township Fiscal Officers over Late Fees and Interest
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $46,337 was issued Tuesday against two former fiscal officers for Greene Township in Trumbull County over penalties that resulted from late remittances and tax filings.
New Performance Audit Includes Recommendations to Address Fiscal Emergency at the Mt. Healthy City School District
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Mt. Healthy City Schools hired dozens of new teachers and staff members and completed about $18 million in building projects without formal plans or ongoing funding to sustain its operations, state auditors determined in a recent review.
Compliance Audit Identifies $236,479 in Improper Medicaid Payments and Interest to Franklin County Ambulance Service
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – State auditors identified $210,585 in improper Medicaid payments over a two-year period to a Columbus ambulance service, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Difficult Choices Ahead for Lakeland Community College Amid Declining Enrollment, Underused Facilities
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Lakeland Community College (LKCC) in northeast Ohio is overstaffed and burdened with debt related to facilities that are significantly underused because of continued declines in student enrollment over the past decade, state auditors determined during a recent review of the college’s operations.
Finding for Recovery, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former Clear Creek Township Fiscal Officers
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery totaling $13,423 was issued Tuesday against two former fiscal officers for Clear Creek Township in Ashland County over penalties that resulted from late tax reports and retirement and unemployment systems remittances.
Finding for Recovery Issued Against Tremont City Fiscal Officer over Late Retirement System Remittances, Tax and Credit Card Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $1,182 was issued Tuesday against the fiscal officer for the Village of Tremont City in Clark County over penalties that resulted from late retirement system remittances and tax and credit card payments.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients for March 2024
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Urges Diligence as Crooks Continue to Target Public Offices with Spear Phishing, Payment Re-Direct Scams
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber is again urging state and local government employees to be extra diligent in reviewing requests to redirect payments from public accounts, as online scammers continue to target public offices.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients for February 2024
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Auditor of State Recommends Repayment of $750,000 from Hamilton County Medicaid Services Provider
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery Totaling $9,642 Issued Against Estate of Former Williamsburg Township Fiscal Officer
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $9,642 were issued Tuesday against the estate of the former fiscal officer for Williamsburg Township in Clermont County.
Auditor of State Places Mt. Healthy City School District in State of Fiscal Emergency Due to Nearly $10.8 Million Operating Fund Deficit
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $107,584 Issued after Township Failed to Invoice, Collect Funds Due for Fire and Ambulance Services
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $107,584 was issued Thursday against officials in Shawnee Township in Allen County, over a failure to invoice and collect public funds owed for fire and ambulance services provided to a government-owned, Lima-area manufacturer, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Annual State of Ohio Single Audit Details $45 Billion in Spending Through 347 Federally Funded Programs
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditors identified 19 findings and questioned costs totaling $242,787 among seven state agencies that administered federally funded programs in fiscal year 2023, according to an annual audit of spending released Thursday by Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Former Mad River Employee Continued to Receive Paycheck Nine Months After Resignation, Leading to Finding for Recovery
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $8,256 was issued Thursday against a former employee of the Mad River Local School District in Montgomery County, who continued to receive paychecks for nine months after she resigned, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $13,748 Issued Against Former Wapakoneta Clerk, Convicted in Theft of Utility Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $13,748 was issued Thursday against a former clerk for the City of Wapakoneta, who was convicted in the theft of utility payments that resulted in court-ordered restitution of more than $250,000, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor of State’s Office Finds More Than 124,000 Individuals Enrolled in Medicaid Programs in Multiple States
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – More than 124,000 people enrolled in Ohio’s Medicaid Program were simultaneously enrolled in Medicaid programs in other states, according to a report released Tuesday by Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Finding for Recovery of $9,316 Issued Against Former Huntsville Fiscal Officer over Late Tax Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery totaling $9,316 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Village of Huntsville, after the Logan County community paid penalties for late tax remittances, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Former Bexley Assistant Finance Director Sentenced After Pleading Guilty in Payroll Withholding Scheme
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former assistant finance director for the city of Bexley pleaded guilty Monday to a felony count of tampering with records as part of a payroll withholding scheme, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Declares Crestline EVSD as ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Crestline Exempted Village School District in Crawford County has been declared “unauditable” for the periods ended July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, and July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, due to inadequate financial statements and records to complete an audit.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State’s Award with Distinction.
Former Bolivar Police Officer, Gun Shop Owner Plead Guilty to Roles in Scheme to Purchase Ammunition During Pandemic
For immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former Bolivar police officer and the owner of a Strasburg gun shop have pleaded guilty to their roles in a scheme involving the purchase of ammunition, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $20,054 Issued Against Former Hillsboro Clerk of Courts for Severance Overpayment
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $20,054 was issued Thursday against a former Hillsboro Municipal Court clerk, who was overpaid for unused leave when she retired, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $9,171 Issued Against Franklin Township Assistant Fiscal Officer over Improper Comp Time Payments
For immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $9,171 was issued Tuesday against the assistant fiscal officer for Franklin Township in Franklin County for improperly paid compensatory time, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit Seeking Information on Potential Wrongdoing at Eastern Gateway Community College
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is seeking information on potential fraud, waste, and abuse of public resources at Eastern Gateway Community College.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received Auditor of State Awards in December for their clean audit reports:
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Presents Public Integrity Award to Delaware County Prosecutor Schiffel for Her Work on Columbus Zoo Investigation
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber presented a Public Integrity Award Tuesday to Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa A. Schiffel for her involvement in the investigation of the alleged theft of $2.3 million from the Columbus Zoo.
Finding for Recovery of $9,019 Issued Against Former Spencerville Fiscal Officer over Penalties from Late Tax Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $9,019 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the village of Spencerville in Allen County, over penalties from late tax payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $10,188 Issued Against Former Dillonvale Fiscal Officers, Employees over Late Fees, Payroll Leave Overpayments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $10,188 were issued Tuesday against former fiscal officers and employees of the village of Dillonvale in Jefferson County over penalties from late tax and retirement remittances and payroll leave overpayments.
Advisory: Auditor of State Keith Faber to Present Public Integrity Award to Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa A. Schiffel
For Immediate Release
Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber will present a Public Integrity Award Tuesday to Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa A. Schiffel.
Statement on Search Warrant Executed at Eastern Gateway Community College in Steubenville
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – On Thursday, the Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit, along with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, the Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Computer Crimes Unit, the U.S. Secret Service, the Coumbus Division of Police’s Digital Forensics Unit, and the Ohio Narcotics Intelligence Center, executed a search warrant related to ongoing investigations concerning Eastern Gateway Community College in Steubenville.
Finding for Recovery of $9,947 Against Franklin Township Fiscal Officer in Shelby County over Late Tax Filings
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $9,947 was issued Tuesday against the fiscal officer for Franklin Township in Shelby County, over penalties that resulted from late tax filings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $1,141 Issued Against Fiscal Officer of Adams Township in Muskingum County over Late Tax Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $1,141 was issued Tuesday against the fiscal officer for Adams Township in Muskingum County over penalties that resulted from late tax remittances.
Auditor Faber Recaps National Recognitions, Other Accomplishments of the Ohio Auditor of State’s Office in 2023
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Office continued to receive national recognition for its work in 2023 as it assisted local governments in their financial reporting; combated waste, fraud, and abuse of public resources; and informed Ohioans about how their tax dollars are being managed.
Special Audit Details Investigation into Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Local Schools Officials’ Use of Public Funds to Support Levy Campaign
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) released a final report Thursday on its investigation into Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Local School District officials’ use of public funds to support a levy campaign.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifier for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery Totaling $3,175 Issued Against Former Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau Officials
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $3,175 were issued Tuesday against former officials of the Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau over late fees and other improper expenditures, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $15,689 Issued Against Akron-Canton Regional Airport Authority over Improper Overtime Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $15,689 was issued Tuesday against 40 employees of the Akron-Canton Regional Airport Authority after they were paid for overtime hours worked during weeks when they also claimed paid leave, contrary to adopted policies, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Colleges and Universities Benefiting from Ohio’s College Credit Plus Program, New Program Cost Study Shows
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Current state funding for middle and high school students participating in Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program is covering the direct costs for the colleges and universities providing those courses, a new report from the Auditor of State’s Office confirmed.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Belle Center Fiscal Officers for Penalties from Late Tax and Retirement System Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $15,814 were issued Tuesday against two former fiscal officers for the Village of Belle Center over fees charged for late tax and retirement remittances, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Investigation of Former Meigs County Sheriff, Who Pleaded Guilty to Theft in Office, Paid $9,160 in Findings
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Former Meigs County Sheriff Keith Wood paid findings for recovery totaling $9,160 after he was caught using public funds for personal uses.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Chief Financial Officer of the Columbus Zoo Pleads Guilty for Role in Alleged Theft of $2.29 million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former Chief Financial Officer of the Columbus Zoo pleaded guilty Thursday to criminal charges for his role in the alleged theft of $2.29 million, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
New Crestline Fire Chief Indicted for Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Richland County Grand Jury returned an indictment Wednesday against the new chief of the Crestline Fire Department after investigators determined he was working full-time jobs for multiple public agencies simultaneously, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $1,794 Repaid After Auditors Determine Personal Leave Payout Not Properly Authorized
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $1,794 against a former Buckeye Water District superintendent was repaid after auditors determined a personal leave payout was not properly authorized.
Auditor Declares Union Township in Brown County ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS?– Union Township in Brown County was declared “unauditable” Wednesday for the period Jan. 2, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022, due to inadequate records to complete an audit.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Wilmington City Administrators and Mayor Over Severance Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling more than $24,000 were issued Thursday over unapproved severance payments to former officials in the City of Wilmington.
Final Finding for Recovery Issued Against Former Richland JFS Public Assistance Specialist Convicted of Multiple Felony Counts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $48,840 was issued Tuesday against a former public assistance specialist at Richland County Job and Family Services (JFS), who used her position to improperly secure benefits for her boyfriend and his child, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Hocking County Commissioner Indicted over $19,084 in Alleged Fraudulent Purchases While She Was Ag Society Secretary
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Hocking County Grand Jury indicted former Hocking County Agricultural Society Secretary Jessica Dicken on seven criminal counts, related to more than $19,000 in fraudulent credit card purchases.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Columbus Zoo Officials Named in 90-Count Indictment in Alleged Theft of $2.29 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Delaware County Grand Jury handed down a 90-count indictment Monday against three former Columbus Zoo officials who were part of the alleged theft of about $2.29 million over a 10-year period, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Meigs County Sheriff Pleads Guilty to Theft in Office, Admits Withdrawing Public Funds for His Personal Use
For Immediate Release
Fourth Individual Convicted in Case Involving Scheme to Profit from Air Purifier Sales to Carrollton Exempted Village Schools
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A fourth individual involved in a scheme to profit from the sale of air purifiers to Carrollton Exempted Village Schools has admitted his role in the crime.
Former Gallia County Village Fiscal Officer Repays Finding for Recovery of $7,047 in Mishandled Sewer Fee Receipts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former fiscal officer has repaid $7,047 in customer sewer receipts that were collected but not deposited into the accounts of the Village of Centerville in Gallia County, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
CORRECTED: Former Bolivar Police Officer, Gun Shop Owner Indicted in Tuscarawas County in Scheme to Purchase Ammunition
For Immediate Release
CORRECTED: COLUMBUS – The Tuscarawas County Grand Jury has returned indictments against a former Bolivar police officer and the owner of a Strasburg gun shop, related to an alleged scheme involving the purchase of ammunition, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $32,757 Issued over Missing Mayor’s Court Receipts in the Village of Pomeroy in Meigs County
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $32,757 were issued Thursday against the former Pomeroy Mayor’s Court Clerk and two others, following a special audit into receipts that were not deposited into village accounts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $543,478 Issued Against Former Cincinnati Charter School Superintendent Over Unlawful Public Contract Interest
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $543,478 was issued Tuesday against the former superintendent of a Cincinnati charter school, who was convicted earlier this year after a janitorial business he controlled was improperly contracted to provide services to the school.
Former Eastern Gateway Community College President, Vice President Indicted for Theft over Misuse of Credit Cards
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Jefferson County Grand Jury returned indictments against two former officials at Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC), following allegations that they used college credit cards for purchases not related to the operations of the school.
Findings for Recovery, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Cuyahoga County Convention Facilities Vendor
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $427,291, partially repaid under audit, were issued Thursday against a vendor that received public funds to promote and market the former Global Center for Health and Innovation in Cleveland, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Carrollton Exempted Village Schools Officials Receive Jail Sentences, Ordered to Make Restitution in Air Purifier Scheme
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Two former Carrollton Exempted Village Schools officials were sentenced to 30 days in jail for their roles in a scheme to profit from the sale of air purifiers to the district, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Report Details Auditor of State’s Investigation into Former Village of Fort Loramie Fiscal Officer and Missing Utility Receipts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery totaling $24,834 were issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Village of Fort Loramie, who was convicted following an investigation into nearly $14,000 in missing utility receipts.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery of $1,630 Issued Against Former Putnam County Veterans Services Officer Over Misappropriated Banner Funds
For immediate release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $1,630 were issued Tuesday against the former executive director of the Putnam County Veterans Service Commission over funds connected to a military banner program she ran with little or no oversight, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $89,570 Issued Against Former Unionville Center Fiscal Officer, Convicted of Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $89,570 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer for the Village of Unionville Center, who was convicted of stealing more than $81,000 from the Union County community, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Check Substitution and Bill Inflation Scheme and Theft by Former Village of Swanton Utility Clerk
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $128,684 were issued Tuesday against the former utility clerk for the Village of Swanton, who was sentenced to prison earlier this year after admitting she stole from the Fulton County community using a check substitution and bill inflation scheme, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Athens Metro Housing Executive Director Sentenced to 8-12 Years in Prison in Theft of More Than $2.3 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former executive director of the Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) was sentenced to 8-12 years in prison Tuesday after admitting to the theft of more than $2.3 million from the agency.
Improper Medicaid Payments Totaling Nearly $1.3 Million Identified in Compliance Audit of CRN Healthcare in Montgomery County
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – State auditors identified nearly $1.3 million in improper Medicaid payments to a mental health and addiction services provider based in Montgomery County that received public funding, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Carrollton Schools Officials Plead Guilty in Scheme to Sell Air Purifiers to the District through Shell Companies
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Three former Carrollton Exempted Village Schools officials have admitted their roles in a scheme to sell air purifiers to the district using two shell companies, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Includes Finding for Recovery of $40,784 Against Former Addyston Water Board Clerk Over Missing Utility Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $40,784 was issued Thursday against the former Water Board Clerk for the Village of Addyston in Hamilton County after utility payments were not deposited into the village’s bank account, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Special Audit Details Phony Invoice Scheme that Led to Convictions of Former Licking County Building Services Director, Two Others
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A final report issued Tuesday by the Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) details a phony invoice scheme by the former Licking County Building Services Director and accomplices that ended with a finding for recovery of $213,069 and prison sentences for two of the people involved.
Former Fort Loramie Fiscal Officer Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor Charge after Failing to Deposit Nearly $14,000 into Village Account
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former fiscal officer for Fort Loramie in Shelby County has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of unauthorized use of property, following an investigation into nearly $14,000 in missing Village receipts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Finding for Recovery of $1,177 Issued Against Former Kingsville Township Fiscal Officer Over Late Fees, Interest, and Penalties
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $1,177 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer of Kingsville Township in Ashtabula County for fees, interest, and penalties that were assessed because of late employee withholdings and debt service payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $21,734, Mostly Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Employees of Wellsville Local Schools in Columbiana County
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $21,734 was issued Thursday against employees of Wellsville Local Schools after the district failed to withhold and remit pension contributions and paid credit card late fees and interest, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $45,692 Issued Against Former Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Employee Who Pocketed License Fees
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $45,692 was issued Thursday against a former employee of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, who was sentenced to prison earlier this year for stealing fees paid by residents seeking concealed carry handgun licenses and background checks, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Investigation into Former Miami Township Trustee, Convicted of Pocketing Cemetery Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $26,668 was issued Tuesday against a former Miami Township trustee, who was convicted of stealing funds from the Logan County township, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Additional Finding for Recovery Issued Against Former South Bloomfield Receipt Clerk, Who Was Convicted of Grand Theft
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – An additional finding for recovery was issued Thursday against the former receipt clerk for the Village of South Bloomfield, who was convicted of stealing nearly $14,000 from the Pickaway County community, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Utility Clerk for the Village of Swanton in Fulton County Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison Following Theft in Office Conviction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former utility clerk for the Village of Swanton has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after admitting she stole nearly $65,000 from the Fulton County community.
MARCS Performance Audit Recommends Further Study of Impact of Fee Changes, Formal Policy for Collecting Delinquent Accounts
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The costs of the statewide radio and data network used by emergency responders, public safety groups and others likely will outpace the funds currently collected to run it, absent a change in fee structure or other legislative intervention, according to a report released Thursday by the Auditor of State’s Office.

Former Fiscal Officer Used Vinton Township Funds to Buy Wildebeest, Hot Tubs, Windows for Primate Exhibit at His Roadside Zoo
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former Vinton Township fiscal officer, convicted of theft in office and other criminal counts, used public funds to buy a wildebeest, two owls, windows for a primate exhibit at his roadside zoo, hot tubs, a snow cone machine, and other personal purchases that had nothing to do with the operations of the township.
Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit Honored by National Group for Investigation, Conviction in $1.8 Million Clark County Theft
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), the law enforcement division of the office, is being honored by a national group for its investigation of a former employee of the Clark County Auditor’s Office, who was convicted of stealing more than $1.8 million.
Former Superintendent of Cincinnati Technology Academy Sentenced After Guilty Plea to Having an Unlawful Interest in a Public Contract
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former superintendent of a Cincinnati charter school was fined $1,000 and ordered to complete 100 hours of community service after a janitorial business he controlled was improperly contracted to provide services to the school, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Medicaid Compliance Audits Identify $328,000 in Improper Payments to Four Mental Health and Addiction Services Providers
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – State auditors identified more than $328,000 in improper Medicaid payments to four mental health and addiction services providers located in Summit, Cuyahoga, and Belmont counties that received public funding, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Finding for Recovery of $2,000 Issued Against Former Bethel Local Schools Superintendent over Unsubstantiated Compensation
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $2,000 was issued Tuesday against the former superintendent of Bethel Local Schools in Miami County overcompensation he received without documentation that he was actually on the job, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $2,159.67 Issued Against Village of North Lewisburg Fiscal Officer over Late Fees
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $2,159.67 was issued Thursday against the fiscal officer for the Village of North Lewisburg in Champaign County over penalties that resulted from the late remittance of retirement withholdings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Special Audit Details Investigation into Former Cincinnati School Secretary, Convicted in Theft of Athletic Event and Field Trip Cash
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A special audit released Thursday details the investigation of a former Cincinnati City School District employee, who was convicted of stealing funds from athletic events and a student field trip, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Annual State of Ohio Single Audit Details $46.8 billion in Spending through 353 Federally Funded Programs
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditors identified 24 findings and questioned costs totaling $2.85 million among seven state agencies that administered federally funded programs in fiscal year 2022, according to an annual audit of spending released Thursday by Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Finding for Recovery of $4,947 Issued Against Former Tuscarawas Ag Society Treasurer over Late Fees and Interest
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $4,947 was issued Tuesday against the former treasurer of the Tuscarawas County Agricultural Society for penalties and fees that resulted from late payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $3,815 Issued Against Former Director of the Brilliance School Over Unsupported Expenses
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $3,815 was issued Tuesday against a former school director for improper debit card purchases, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Licking County Building Services Director Sentenced Following Conviction in Phony Invoice Scheme
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former building services director for Licking County was sentenced to 30 months in prison Monday after admitting his role in the theft of nearly $193,000 as part of a phony invoice scheme, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Richland JFS Employee Pleads Guilty to Improperly Securing Benefits for Boyfriend and his Child
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former public assistance specialist at Richland County Job and Family Services (JFS) pleaded guilty Monday to three felony counts for using her position to improperly secure benefits for her boyfriend and his child.
Finding for Recovery of $699 Issued Against Richland Township Fiscal Officer over Penalties from Late Tax Payments
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $699 was issued Thursday against the fiscal officer for Richland Township in Darke County over penalties that resulted from the late remittance of tax and retirement withholdings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Investigation into Former Executive Director of Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A special audit released Thursday details the investigation into the former executive director of the Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau, who was convicted in the theft of $6,805, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
MCBDD Performance Audit Spotlights Progress in Meeting Federal Conflict-free Management Requirements
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – County boards of developmental disabilities have one year remaining to meet federal conflict-free management requirements and ensure eligible residents continue to have access to transportation, employment, and other publicly funded services.
Special Audit Details Investigation, $43,011 Finding for Recovery Against Former Fiscal Officer of Village of Risingsun
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $43,011 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Village of Risingsun, who was convicted in 2022 of stealing from the Wood County community, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $2,061 Issued Against Former Jefferson Township Administrative Assistant
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $2,061 was issued Tuesday against a former administrative assistant for Jefferson Township in Montgomery County, who continued to receive a paycheck after she left the position, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $2,061 was issued Tuesday against a former administrative assistant for Jefferson Township in Montgomery County, who continued to receive a paycheck after she left the position, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $70,195 Issued Against Former A+ Arts Academy Treasurer in Columbus
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $70,195 was issued Thursday against the former treasurer of the A+ Arts Academy in Columbus, after she failed to remit tax withholdings from employee earnings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Warns Government Employees of Uptick in Spear Phishing, Payment Re-Direct Scams
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber urged state and local government employees to be extra diligent in reviewing requests to redirect payments from public accounts, following a recent increase in cyberscams targeting public offices.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Texas Man Sentenced to Prison for His Role in Invoice Scheme Involving Former Licking County Building Services Director
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A Texas man was sentenced to four years in prison Wednesday after he admitted his role in stealing nearly $193,000 from Licking County, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit Details Payroll Scheme, Conviction Involving Former Corrections Commission of Southeastern Ohio Fiscal Officer
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The former fiscal officer for the Corrections Commission of Southeastern Ohio was convicted and sentenced earlier this year to two years of probation, following an investigation by the Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU).
Final Finding for Recovery of $47,646 Issued Against Former Hartford Independent Ag Society Office Manager Following Theft Conviction
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $47,646 was issued Tuesday against the former office manager for the Hartford Independent Agricultural Society, who was convicted of theft and related counts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Miami Township Trustee Ordered to Pay $28,168 in Restitution and Audit Costs Following Guilty Plea
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A former Miami Township trustee has been ordered to pay $28,168 in restitution and audit costs after admitting he unlawfully pocketed funds that should have gone to the Logan County Township, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Final Finding for Recovery of $9,746, Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former Painesville City Schools Employee
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $9,746 was issued Tuesday against a former Painesville City Local School District employee, who was convicted of stealing preschool child care fees, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
New Performance Audit Calls for Improved Planning and Prioritization for ODNR’s Inland Lakes Dredging Program
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) should establish a formal process for prioritizing and planning the systematic removal of sediment from the state’s inland lakes, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Final Finding for Recovery of $14,822, Repaid Under Court Order, Issued Against Former Pickerington Robotics Club Adviser
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $14,822 was issued Tuesday against a former teacher in the Pickerington Local School District, who was convicted of pocketing funds meant to be used for a student robotics club.
Former Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Employee Sentenced to Prison for Stealing $37,964 in Concealed Handgun License Fees
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former employee in the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office was sentenced to 36 months in prison Friday after she admitted stealing about $38,000 in fees paid by residents seeking concealed handgun licenses, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $20,736 Issued Against Former Employees of the Village of Highland Hills in Cuyahoga County
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of $20,736 were issued Thursday against former employees of the Village of Highland Hills in Cuyahoga County, stemming from misappropriated rental and vending receipts and late remittances of pension and tax withholdings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Public Interest Audit Recommends Better Tracking of ODJFS Workforce Development Programming, Funding
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) should collect and analyze additional information about federally funded workforce development programs to better track their effectiveness in securing employment for out-of-work residents, according to a report released Thursday by Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Former Executive Director of Athens Metro Housing Authority Indicted Following SIU Investigation into Theft of More Than $1.5 Million
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Athens County Grand Jury handed down a seven-count indictment Monday against the former executive director of the Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA), stemming from allegations she pocketed more than $1.5 million from the agency for personal use, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Meigs County Sheriff Indicted on Theft, Other Counts After Withdrawing Public Funds for Personal Use
For Immediate Release
COLUMBUS – The Meigs County Grand Jury handed down a five-count indictment Wednesday against former Meigs County Sheriff Keith Wood following allegations that he withdrew public funds for personal use, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Vinton Township Fiscal Officer Sentenced to 4 years, 11 months in Prison, Ordered to Make Restitution of $339,717.86
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former fiscal officer for Vinton Township in Vinton County, who stole more than $287,500 in public funds to pay for personal expenses, including costs associated with a roadside zoo he operated, was sentenced to 4 years, 11 months in prison Monday, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $26,489 Issued Against Former Oak Harbor Income Tax Assistant Following Grand Theft Conviction
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $26,489 was issued Tuesday against the former Oak Harbor income tax assistant, who was convicted of stealing from the Ottawa County Village, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Gallia County Schools Superintendent Fined $1,000 Following Guilty Plea to Misdemeanor Count
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Marks 100th Conviction for Fraud and Corruption, Calls for Required Reporting and Training of Public Officials
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $7,225 Issued Against Former Fiscal Officer of College Township in Knox County
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $7,225 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for College Township in Knox County for fees incurred over the late payment of payroll withholdings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery of $2,950 Issued Against Former Madison County Ag Society Marketing Manager/Director
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $2,950 was issued Tuesday against the former marketing manager/director for the Madison County Agricultural Society, who was sentenced to prison for stealing rental payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Texas Man Admits To Theft, Other Counts for His Role in Invoice Scheme Involving Former Licking County Building Services Director
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A Texas man has admitted to his role in the theft of nearly $193,000 from Licking County, via a scheme involving phony invoices approved for payment by the county’s former building services director, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Adena Village Clerk
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery totaling more than $28,000 were issued Thursday against the former Adena Village Clerk in Jefferson County for late fees, payroll overpayments and other issues identified following an investigation of questionable expenditures, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $73,267 Issued Against Former Jefferson County General Health District Assistant Administrator
For Immediate Release
Columbus — Findings for recovery of $73,267 were issued Thursday against the former assistant administrator of the Jefferson County General Health District over an improper pay raise and other issues, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Special Audit of State Teachers Retirement System Finds No Evidence of Illegal Acts but Room for Debate and Improvement
For Immediate Release
Columbus — State auditors found no evidence of fraud, illegal acts, or data manipulation related to the $90 billion held in trust by the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS), according to a Special Audit released Thursday.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Meigs County Health Board Fiscal Officer Over Late Fees and Penalties
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of $4,333 were issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Meigs County District Board of Health for late fees, penalties, and other issues stemming from her mismanagement of credit card bills, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery Issued Against Akron-Canton Regional Airport Authority Employees Over Improper Overtime Payments
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $7,570 was issued against more than two dozen employees of the Akron-Canton Regional Airport Authority after they were paid for overtime hours worked during weeks when they also claimed paid leave, contrary to the Authority’s policies, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Former Richland County JFS Employee Indicted After Improperly Securing Benefits for Boyfriend and His Child
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A Richland County Grand Jury has returned an indictment against a former public assistance specialist who allegedly used her position to improperly secure nearly $50,000 in benefits for her boyfriend and his child, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Unionville Center Fiscal Officer Pleads Guilty in Theft of $81,165 from Union County Village
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former fiscal officer for the Village of Unionville Center has admitted to stealing more than $81,000 from the Union County community, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Bellbrook Sugarcreek School Board Members Found Guilty in Case Involving Improper Use of Public Funds to Support Levy Campaign
For Immediate Release
Columbus – One current and one former member of the Bellbrook Sugarcreek Local School District Board of Education have been found guilty on misdemeanor counts for their involvement in the use of public funds for a postcard mailing in support of a levy, in violation of state law.
Final Special Audit Report Details Investigation, Ultimate Conviction of former Clark County Employee in $1.8 Million Theft Scheme
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A final finding for recovery of more than $1.8 million was issued Thursday against a former employee of the Clark County Auditor’s Office, who for years stole public funds in a scheme involving a phony vendor, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Report: Inadequate Oversight of Eligibility Alerts by Ohio Department of Medicaid May Cost Millions in Improper Benefits Payments
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) did not ensure County Department of Job and Family Services caseworkers processed system alerts to determine if benefits recipients were potentially receiving duplicative assistance from multiple states, according to a new report from Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Carrollton Schools Officials Indicted in Scheme to Sell Air Purifiers to the District through Shell Companies
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Three Carrollton Exempted Village Schools officials have been indicted for their involvement in a scheme to sell air purifiers to the District using two shell companies, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Fridays.
Findings for Recovery for $16,887 Issued Against Former Olmsted Township Building Permit Tech Over Stolen Permit Fees
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of $16,887 were issued Thursday against the former Olmsted Township Building Permit Tech, who was convicted earlier this year of pocketing permit fees, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Hartford Fair Secretary Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail, Ordered to Make Restitution of Nearly $39,190 After Pleading Guilty to Theft
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former financial secretary/fiscal officer for the Hartford Independent Agricultural Society in Licking County was sentenced to 30 days in jail and ordered to make restitution of nearly $39,190 after pleading guilty to theft and related counts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Wednesday.
Findings for Recovery of $3,107 Issued Against Former Saline Township Fiscal Officer for Late Fees and Penalties
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of $3,107 were issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for Saline Township in Jefferson County after she failed to remit tax and retirement withholdings in a timely manner, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $206,630 Issued Against Former Mifflin Township Fiscal Officer, Earlier Convicted of Dereliction of Duty
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of more than $206,000 were issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for Mifflin Township in Richland County, who was earlier convicted on multiple counts of dereliction of duty, Auditor of State Keith Faber said.
Former Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Employee Admits to Stealing $37,964 in Concealed Handgun License Fees
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former employee in the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office has pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $38,000 in fees paid by those seeking concealed handgun licensure, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Jury Returns Guilty Verdicts Against Dover Mayor Following Auditor of State’s Office Investigation into Pocketed Wedding Fees
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen was found guilty Wednesday on multiple criminal counts following a jury trial in Tuscarawas County prompted by allegations that he pocketed wedding fees that should have been directed to the city, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery Issued Against Hamersville Police Chief for Unsupported Reimbursements
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Auditor of State’s Office issued findings for recovery Tuesday totaling $753 for improper expense reimbursements and unsupported purchases by the police chief for the Village of Hamersville in Brown County.
$21,000-plus in Findings for Recovery Included in 2019-2020 Audit of the Village of Spencerville in Allen County
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of more than $21,000 were issued against officials in the Village of Spencerville in Allen County after employees were overcompensated and bills were paid late, resulting in penalty and interest fees, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Final Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Nelsonville Deputy Auditor Following Fraud Convictions, Prison Sentence
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for Recovery of $336,325 were formally issued Thursday against the former deputy auditor of the City of Nelsonville, who was twice convicted and is serving a 59-month prison sentence after she was caught stealing from the public coffers, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Painesville Schools Secretary Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail, Ordered to Make Restitution Following Theft in Office Conviction
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former secretary for the Painesville City Local Schools has been sentenced to 60 days in the Lake County Jail and two years of community control after pleading guilty in Lake County Common Pleas Court to stealing from the district, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Swanton Utility Clerk Indicted in Fulton County in Theft of Nearly $65,000 in Village Receipts
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former utility clerk for the Village of Swanton is facing felony charges in the theft of nearly $65,000, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Former Vinton Township Fiscal Officer Pleads Guilty to Stealing Public Funds for Personal Expenses, Including Roadside Zoo Costs
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former fiscal officer for Vinton Township in Vinton County has pleaded guilty to multiple criminal counts after he stole more than $287,500 in public funds for personal expenses, including costs associated with a roadside zoo he operated, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber to Participate in Small Business Roundtable Discussions in Richland and Ashland Counties
For Immediate Release
Auditor of State Keith Faber Releases Village of Mount Sterling in Madison County from Fiscal Emergency
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery Withdrawn Against North College Hill Officials after Credit Card Transactions Verified
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Auditor of State’s Office has withdrawn findings for recovery against several North College Hill officials after city administration provided documentation confirming questioned credit card transactions were for a proper public purpose.
Finding for Recovery of $2,672 Issued Against Former Washington Township Fiscal Officer
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $2,672 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer for Washington Township in Tuscarawas County after she failed to remit tax withholdings on employees’ earnings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Findings for Recovery of $5,000-plus Issued Against Two Former Pike County Officials, Both Convicted of Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of more than $5,000 were issued Thursday against two former Pike County officials who were convicted of theft in office, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
New Audit Spotlights Ways for Co-located Colleges and Universities to Share Services, Ultimately Reduce Costs for Ohio Families
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Ohio colleges and universities that share campuses should increasingly collaborate on staffing, facilities, security, and other services as part of efforts to reduce costs for students and their families, according to a new report released by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office Thursday.
Special Investigations Unit Seeking Information on payments for headstone footers/foundations at Fairview Cemetery in Logan County
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Auditor of State’s Office-Special Investigations Unit is conducting an investigation into potential irregularities regarding the payment for headstone footers/foundations at Fairview Cemetery located in Quincy (Logan County).
Former Clark County Auditor’s Office Employee Sentenced to 7 years in Prison, Ordered to Make Restitution of $1.8 Million
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former employee of the Clark County Auditor’s Office was sentenced to 7 years in prison and ordered to repay the $1.8 million in public funds he stole through a phony vendor scheme, Auditor of State Keith Faber said.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery for Improper Expenditures, Other Issues Noted in 2017-18 Audit of the Hamilton County Ag Society
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery were issued against two people for improper expenditures by the Hamilton County Agricultural Society, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Finding for Recovery of $17,861 Issued Against Former Knox County Engineer’s Office Employee Following Theft, Fraud Convictions
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $17,861 was issued Tuesday against the former fiscal officer for the Knox County Engineer’s Office, who was sentenced to prison earlier this year after admitting he used a county credit card to make personal purchases, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Clark County Employee Pleads Guilty to Theft of $1.8 Million
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former employee in the Clark County Auditor’s Office has pleaded guilty to two criminal counts, admitting he stole $1.8 million in public funds through a scheme involving phony vendor payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Friday.
Former Painesville City LSD Secretary Indicted for Theft of Preschool Tuition Payments, Improper Account Withdrawals
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former secretary for the Painesville City Local School District has been indicted on theft-related charges after investigators determined she pocketed more than $10,000 in receipts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Wednesday.
Ohio Families Saved More Than $163 Million in 2021 Through College Credit Plus, and Even More Teens Could Be Earning Credits
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Middle and high school students enrolled in the state’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program saved more than $163 million in tuition costs in 2021, an average of $4,368 per family, according to a new report issued Tuesday by Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Fort Loramie Fiscal Officer Indicted for Theft in Office, Tampering with Records for Nearly $14,000 in Missing Receipts
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former fiscal officer for Fort Loramie has been indicted in Shelby County following an investigation into nearly $14,000 in missing Village receipts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Orphan Well Program Moving in the Right Direction, but More Work Needed to Cap Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has steadily increased the number of abandoned oil and gas wells plugged throughout the state over the past decade, but the agency is still spending only about half of the funding required, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Former Hartford Fair Fiscal Officer Indicted on Theft, Related Counts
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former financial secretary/fiscal officer of the Hartford Independent Agricultural Society in Licking County has been indicted on theft and related counts, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Auditor of State’s Office Receives Top Honors in Financial Reporting from Government Finance Officers Association
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office received top honors for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report from the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada for the 25th consecutive year.
Former Village of Risingsun Fiscal Officer Pleads Guilty to Felony Count of Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former Fiscal Officer for the Village of Risingsun has pleaded guilty to a single count of theft in office (a third-degree felony) following an investigation by the Auditor of State’s Special Investigations Unit.
Finding for Recovery for Late Fees and Penalties, Other Issues Identified in Madison Township 2018 and 2019 Audit
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $25,144 was issued Thursday against the Fiscal Officer of Madison Township in Butler County to recoup fees charged for late tax filings and bill payments, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery Issued Against Current and Former Directors of Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority over Late Fees
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $966 was issued Thursday against the current and former executive directors of the Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority for late fees on bills paid after their due dates.
Auditor Faber Again Declares Village of Belmore ‘Unauditable’
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office last week sent a letter to Belmore in Putnam County declaring the Village “unauditable” for the eighth consecutive year. The Village was declared “unauditable” for the period Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021, due to inadequate records to complete an audit.
Findings for Recovery of $16,404 Issued Against Former Fiscal Officer for the Village of Neville
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of $16,404 were issued Tuesday in favor of the Village of Neville in Clermont County, after a former fiscal officer used a Village debit card for personal purchases, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Findings for Recovery of $117 million-plus issued against defunct Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Findings for recovery of more than $117 million were issued Tuesday against the defunct Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) for public funds it improperly received during its final years of operation, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Pike County Auditor Agrees to Resign, Ordered to Make Restitution Over Improper Credit Card Purchases
For Immediate Release
Former Knox County Engineer’s Office Fiscal Officer Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison, Ordered to Pay $19,861
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery Totaling $13,783 Issued Against Two Former Martins Ferry City Schools Officials
For Immediate Release
Grand Jury Indicts Former Gallia County Schools Superintendent of Unlawful Interest, Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $154,399 Issued Against Former Marion City Auditor Over IRS Late Fees and Penalties
For Immediate Release
Findings for Recovery of $3,999 issued against Hamilton County Mathematics and Science Academy
For Immediate Release
Longtime State Chief Deputy Auditor Robert Hinkle Receives Top Honors From National Auditors Group
For Immediate Release
Cuyahoga County Audit Rife with Noncompliance and Control Deficiency Findings
For Immediate Release
Finding for Recovery of $2,314 Issued For Improper Reimbursements Paid By Bethel Local Schools in Miami County
For Immediate Release
Former Fiscal Officer for Knox County Engineer Pleads Guilty to Theft, Insurance Fraud Charges
For Immediate Release
Auditor of State’s Office Identifies Nearly $691,000 in Improper Medicaid Payments to Warren County Pharmacy
For Immediate Release
Columbus – State auditors identified nearly $691,000 in improper Medicaid payments to a Warren County business for durable medical equipment it could not prove was delivered to patients or was otherwise not authorized to provide, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Former Pike County CVB Executive Director Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Make Restitution of $6,805.54
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former head of the Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau pleaded guilty Tuesday in Pike County Common Pleas Court to two criminal counts in the theft of more than $6,800, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Finding for Recovery, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former Licking Heights School District Employee
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery was issued against a former Licking Heights Local Schools dispatcher and secretary convicted of stealing money meant to cover criminal background checks of District employees, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Finding for Recovery, Partially Repaid Under Audit, Issued Against Former Mayor’s Court Clerk for the Village of Elmwood Place
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A finding for recovery of $61,028 has been issued against the former mayor’s court clerk for Elmwood Place in Hamilton County, who was convicted for stealing $46,920 from the Village, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Thursday.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Additional Felony Counts Filed Against Former Clark County Auditor’s Office Employee
For Immediate Release
Columbus – A former employee of the Clark County Auditor’s Office, who allegedly stole more than $1.8 million in public funds through a scheme involving phony vendor payments, is facing additional criminal charges, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced Tuesday.
Former Springboro Superintendent Sentenced Following Convictions in Mileage Reimbursement Scheme
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former superintendent of Springboro Community City Schools in Warren County was ordered to make restitution of more than $2,500 and sentenced to three years of probation after he was convicted of stealing mileage reimbursements from the district, Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Special Investigation Unit announced.
Auditor Faber Declares Carroll County Agricultural Society “Unauditable”
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Calls for Updated Strategic Plan for Higher Ed Facilities as Enrollment Increasingly Shifts Online
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) should ensure the state’s public colleges and universities are submitting up-to-date information annually about their facilities – data that are needed in determining future capital investments for maintaining aging buildings, constructing new ones, or shifting resources to accommodate increasingly online learning, according to an audit released Tuesday by Auditor of State Keith Faber.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Nelsonville Deputy Auditor Guilty on Additional Counts, Ordered to Repay Another $40,000-plus
For Immediate Release
Columbus – The former deputy auditor of the City of Nelsonville, already in prison on felony convictions after she was caught stealing from the city payroll, was ordered to repay an additional $40,000-plus she admitted pocketing in a separate scheme.
Annual Ohio Single Audit includes 25 findings, $1.3 million in questioned costs at eight state agencies
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former Risingsun Fiscal Officer Indicted in Theft of $23,987 From Village Bank Account
For Immediate Release
Alcohol Purchases Flagged in Tuppers Plains Chester Water District Audit
For Immediate Release
Dover Mayor indicted on 15 criminal counts after pocketing $9,295 in payments for performing wedding ceremonies
For Immediate Release
Former Springboro Community City School District Superintendent Pleads Guilty to Theft in Office
For Immediate Release
Pike County Auditor Enters "Not Guilty" Plea and Steps Away from Position while Case Pending
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
State Audit Again Finds Inadequate Controls in Village of Brice’s Photo Speed Enforcement Program
For immediate release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For immediate release
Poor Spending Documentation Results in Village of Adelphi Finding for Recovery
For immediate release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For immediate release
Pike County Auditor Indicted for Stealing more than $2,600
Auditor Keith Faber’s SIU team investigated the theft and will prosecute the case
Failing to Follow Credit Card Policy Leads to Finding for Recovery in Allen-Clay Joint Fire District Audit
For immediate release
Former City of Mount Vernon Clerk of Court Racks up Multiple Felonies and $10,621 Tab with the City
For immediate release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For immediate release
Former Village of Unionville Center Fiscal Officer Indicted on Multiple Felonies
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Former City of Lorain Clerk of Courts Paid Out $70,910 in Improper Compensation
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Thousands of Dollars in Overpayments and Late Fees Highlighted in Decatur Township
For Immediate Release
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
For Immediate Release
Audit Finds Overpayment Problem in Nimishillen Township Road Department
For Immediate Release
$60,000 in Legal Fees Owed to the Ashtabula Metropolitan Housing Authority
For Immediate Release
Franklinton Preparatory Academy Owes Ohio Department of Education $57,000
For immediate release
Internal Control Weaknesses Combined with an Antiquated System Allow for Massive $3.8 Billion in Unemployment Fraud and Overpayments
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office released an audit of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) focused on fraud in Ohio’s unemployment system. Auditors noted changes to the federal requirements and a lack of controls led to vulnerabilities in the system allowing for over $475 million to be paid to criminals while another $3.3 billion in overpayments were made.
Village of New Madison Special Audit Finds Fiscal Officer Mishandled Tax Dollars Totaling $27,312
Outdated Systems and Overwhelming Claims Lead to Customer Service Failures with Ohio Unemployment System
For Immediate Release
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office released the first of two audits of the Ohio Job and Family Services (ODJFS) unemployment system. This performance audit was required by the Ohio General Assembly in response to egregious customer service failures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Credit Card Abuse Leads to Finding for Recovery in Ashtabula Metropolitan Housing Authority Audit
Auditors Identify Improper Payments and Operational Concerns in Medicaid Provider Examination
Auditor Questions State Financial Statement
Qualified Opinion Included in State of Ohio Audit
Medicaid Compliance Examination Finds Over $30,000 in Improper Payments to Acupuncture Provider
Auditor of State Completes Phase II of ODOT Performance Audit
Each 1% improvement across all the scope areas could have a $13 million financial impact annually
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
October Award with Distinction
Stark Area Regional Transit Authority Special Audit Released with Findings Totaling Over $400,000
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced October 19, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced October 5, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced September 28, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced September 21, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced Sept. 14
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced Sept. 7, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced August 31, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced August 24, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced August 17, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced August 10, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced August 3, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Released July 27,2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced July 20, 2020
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Announced July 13, 2020
Illegal Expenditures Involving Former Village of Rock Creek Administrator Earns Finding for Recovery
Former Village of South Bloomfield Clerk Sentenced for Theft in Office and Tampering with Records
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office announced former Village of South Bloomfield Clerk Kelly Neal was sentenced to 16 months in prison after committing theft in office totaling $13,970 and tampering with records.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
Report Advisory for Monday, June 22, 2020
The Auditor’s office will release the following report on Monday, June 22, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.
Audit Advisory for June 18, 2020
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio.
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, June 18, 2020.
AOS Provides Local Governments Pandemic Relief Resource Page
Auditor Faber today announced the launch of a COVID-19 fiscal relief resources page on the Auditor’s website.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday June 11, 2020
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio.
Audit Advisory for June 9, 2020
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio.
Special Audit Issues Over $300,000 in Findings Against Former Chief Deputy of Lima Municipal Court
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office today released a special audit of the City of Lima Municipal Court, which issued $334,270 in findings for recovery against former Chief Deputy Sue Barnett.
Audit: Allen County Regional Transit Authority Incurs $2,679 in Late Fees
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office today released the 2018 audit of the Allen County Regional Transit Authority, which found that the former fiscal officer, Patricia Stein, incurred and paid $2,679 in late fees.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 2, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, May 28, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, May 28, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, May 12, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, April 30, 2020.
Auditor Faber Issues a $19,752 Finding for Recovery against Former Perry Cook Memorial Library Treasurer
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office today released the 2017-2018 audit of the Perry Cook Memorial Library (Morrow County). The audit issued a finding for recovery against the library’s former treasurer, Jeffery Wise, who was found guilty stealing $19,752 during his tenure.
Audit Finds Newton Local School District Superintendent Misused District Credit Card
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018-2019 audit of Newton Local School District (Miami County), which issues a $2,070 finding for recovery against Superintendent Pat McBride for misusing a district credit card.
Audit Finds Former Pike County Auditor Overpaid Employees a Total of $1,932
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office today released the 2018 audit of Pike County, which found that the former county auditor, Erica Snodgrass, authorized $1,932 total in overpayments to county employees.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, April 23, 2020.
Audit Finds Village of Union City Fire Chief and Firefighters Overpay Themselves over $75,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018 audit of the Village of Union City, which issued a total of $75,835 in findings for recovery against former Fire Chief Pamela Idle and EMT/Firefighters, Craig Idle and Brian Stump.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 16, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, April 16, 2020.
Audit Finds $7,534 in Overpayments to Former Trotwood-Madison City School District Employees
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued the 2019 audit of Trotwood-Madison City School District, which revealed that the district continued to pay two employees after their termination, resulting in total overpayment of $7,534.
Audit Finds Former Treasurer of Harrison Regional Airport Authority Improperly Paid Herself Over $6,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued the 2016 and 2017 audit on the Harrison County Regional Airport Authority, which uncovered that the former treasurer, Tanya Burgess, overpaid either herself or her husband a total of $6,063.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 9, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, April 9, 2020.
Audit Finds City of Vermilion Employee Used Public Funds to Purchase Gasoline for Personal Use
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued the 2018 audit of the City of Vermilion (Erie County), which uncovered that a City Street Department employee, William Nehls, purchased fuel for personal use with city funds.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, April 7, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 2, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, April 2, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Mayor of the Village of Bridgeport, David W. Smith, Suspended from Office.
Based on a motion filed by a special prosecutor from Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office, a special commission appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court determined today to suspend David W. Smith from his office as Mayor of the Village of Bridgeport.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, March 26, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, March 26, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
Auditor Faber Finds Former Wayne Trace Schools Cashier Owes $2,045
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued a finding for recovery against former lunchroom cashier for Wayne Trace Local School District (Paulding County), Brenda Combs, after the school found $2,045 of lunch room fees collected but not accounted for.
Audit Finds Gasper Township Fiscal Officer Paid $4,899 in Late Fees
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2016-2017 audit of Gasper Township (Preble County), which uncovered that Anitra Roell incurred $4,899 in penalties and late fees during her time as fiscal officer.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that, in the month of February, the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Audit Advisory for Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, March 19, 2020.
Former Youngstown Mayor, Charles Sammarone, Sentenced to Five Years Community Control
As a result of an investigation by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office, former Youngstown Mayor, Charles Sammarone, pled guilty to two charges of Tampering with Records (F3) and was sentenced to five years of community control and 30 hours community service.
Auditor of State Responds to COVID-19 Transitions to Work From Home, Encourages Election Day Help
In an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced today that effective Tuesday, March 17, the office will utilize the work from home option for most of its 800 employees.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Former Village of Junction City Clerk-Treasurer Indicted on Multiple Charges
Based on an investigation by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Special Investigations Unit, former Village of Junction City (Perry County) Clerk-Treasurer Randi N. Brown was indicted on February 25, 2020 on two counts of Theft in Office (F5), and two counts of Tampering with Records (F3).
Former Coshocton County Agricultural Society Secretary Indicted on Multiple Charges
Based on an investigation by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Special Investigations Unit, a Coshocton County grand jury today indicted Former Coshocton County Agricultural Society Secretary Pamela Bordenkircher on one count of Grand Theft (F4) and four counts of Theft (F5).
Audit of Cincinnati Identifies Over $17,500 in Overpayments
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2019 audit of the City of Cincinnati, which issues a $17,582 finding for recovery for overpayments against three members of the Cincinnati Police Department.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, February 27, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, February 27, 2020.
Audit: Matthews School District’s Resource Officer Owes School $1000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2019 audit of Matthews Local School District, which details that the district’s resource officer, Michael Sheehy, stole $1,000 from the athletic department’s petty cash fund.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Finds Village of Rarden Fiscal Officer Paid Penalties, Late Fees
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018 audit of the Village of Rarden (Scioto County), which uncovered that Fiscal Officer Stacy Hall authorized the payment of $900 in penalties and late fees to various government agencies.
Auditor Faber Identifies Almost $80,000 in Money Collected But Not Accounted For in the City of Bedford
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released a special audit and criminal investigation of the City of Bedford (Cuyahoga County). The investigation identified almost $80,000 in monies collected by the city but not deposited into city bank accounts and issued a finding for recovery against former city water department clerks, Linda Yarish and Joan Law.
Auditor Faber: Public Entities May Not Use Public Resources to Influence Levies or Bonds
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released a video to remind public officials that most local governments and public school districts may not use tax dollars to support or oppose levy or bond issues on the ballot.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, February 25, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, February 20, 2020
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Audit of the University of Toledo Uncovers $22,238 in Theft
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2019 audit of the University of Toledo, and issued a finding for recovery against Jason Woodward, a former university employee who spent $22,238 of the university’s money on personal expenses.
Village of DeGraff Utility Clerk Indicted on Multiple Charges
Based on an investigation by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Special Investigations Unit, former Village of DeGraff (Logan County) Utility Clerk Jennifer Dearwester was indicted on one count of Theft in Office (F3), one count of Aggravated Theft (F3), and three counts of Tampering with Records (F3).
Delaware City School District Secretary Charged with Theft in Office
Based on an investigation by Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Special Investigations Unit, a former Secretary for Delaware City School District, Kim Todd, was charged today with two counts of Theft in Office.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, February 13, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Village of Bridgeport Mayor David Smith Indicted with Multiple Charges
Village of Bridgeport (Belmont County) Mayor, David W. Smith, was indicted last week on one count of Tampering with Records (F3), one count of Theft in Office (F3), and two counts of Conflict of Interest (M1).
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, February 11, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, February 11, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
General Assembly Gives Auditor Faber Increased Authority to Audit Institutions of Higher Education
Last week the Ohio General Assembly passed legislation that allows the Ohio Auditor of State’s office to conduct performance audits of state institutions of high education at the discretion of Auditor of State, Keith Faber.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, February 6, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, February 6, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, January 30, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Finds York Township Fiscal Officer Owes $10,737
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-2018 audit of York Township (Belmont County), which found the former fiscal officer, Dawn Lee, incurred $10,737 of penalties and interest charges from the federal government.
Auditor Faber Declares the Village of Quaker City “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber last week declared the Village of Quaker City (Guernsey County) “unauditable” for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019 after auditors determined the condition of the village’s financial records were not adequate to finish the audit.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, January 23, 2020.
Two School Districts Qualify for The Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, January 16, 2020. Entities earning the Auditor of State Award are bold and italicized.
Audit Finds Former Monroe Central High School Athletic Director Owes School District $5,464
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber last week released the 2018 audit of Switzerland of Ohio Local School District (Monroe County), which found that the former athletic director, Ryan Rosnick, did not account for $5,464 he collected from varsity basketball and volleyball games.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor of State Completes Phase I of ODOT Performance Audit; Phase II Scheduled
Initial Analysis Suggests $21 Million in Possible Annual Savings
Audit of Liberty Township Orders Employees to Repay Over $107,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017 audit of Liberty Township (Guernsey County), which issued a $100,713 finding for recovery against former fiscal officer, Kathy Leach and a $6,728 finding for recovery against township employee, Thomas Braniger.
Auditor Faber Holds Administrative Secretary Responsible for $17,272 from School District Pop Machine
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2019 audit of Worthington City School District (Franklin County), which uncovered that the Administrative Secretary, Michelle Gouhin, improperly handled $17,272 from a district owned pop machine.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and has released the following audits today.
Auditor Faber Uncovers $11,358 of Fraudulent Activity in Coshocton City and County Parks District
Audit Uncovers West Clermont School District Employee Improperly Handles Money From Field Trip
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2019 audit of West Clermont Local School District (Clermont County), which uncovered that a district employee, Trent Davis, collected $17,745 of school district money but did not remit the funds to the district’s Treasurer.
Audit Finds Village of Coal Grove Fiscal Officers Authorize Late Payments
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018 audit of the Village of Coal Grove (Lawrence County), which uncovered that the village paid $560 in late fees to the Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund (OP&F) and the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS).
Compliance and Control Audit of JobsOhio Posted
In compliance with their statutory obligation, the Auditor of State and JobsOhio today posted the compliance and control audit of JobsOhio.
Finding for Adjustment Totaling Over $4.4 Million Issued to City of Youngstown
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018 audit of the City of Youngstown. The audit contained multiple findings including deficiencies, material weaknesses in internal controls, and noncompliance that have resulted in a $4.4 million finding for adjustment.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, December 31, 2019.
Audit Finds $2,971 in Penalties, Interest Assessed Against Kingsville Township
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the audit of Kingsville Township (Ashtabula County), which found that Fiscal Officer Sarah Patterson incurred and paid $2,971 in late fees, penalties, and interest.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, December 26, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, December 24, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, December 19, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and released the following audits on Thursday, December 12, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, December 10, 2019.
Audit Finds Former Clinton Township Fiscal Officer Owes $2,119 in Penalties, Fees, and Interest
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-2018 audit of Clinton Township (Vinton County), which identifies that, Carol Brown, incurred $2,119 in late fees, penalties, and interest during her time as fiscal officer.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, December 5, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports in November.
Audit Finds Village of Golf Manor Tax Commissioner Spent $9,025 on Personal Expenses
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2016 audit of the Village of Golf Manor (Hamilton County), which uncovers that the former tax commissioner Jamie Smith used a village credit card for personal expenses, to the tune of $9,025.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor Faber Announces Star Rating System for Public Records Compliance
Auditor of State Keith Faber hosted a press conference with Ohio News Media Association Executive Director Monica Nieporte and announced a new approach to reporting public records and compliance with Ohio’s Sunshine Laws through a Star Rating System (StaRS).
Audit of Akron Digital Academy Uncovers $167,753 of Illegal Expenditures
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-2018 audit of Akron Digital Academy in Summit County, which uncovered that former Head of School, Lashawn Terrell, misused $167,753 of school money through a shell vendor.
Audit Finds Former Monroe Township Fiscal Officer Authorized Overpayments and Incurred Late Fees
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-2018 audit of Monroe Township (Perry County), which uncovered that the former fiscal officer, Heather Harper, authorized an overpayment of $762 for herself and incurred $30,660 of late fees and interest.
Auditor Faber Finds Newton Falls Joint Fire District Fiscal Officer Incurred $8,043 in Late Fees
An audit of the Newton Falls Joint Fire District, today released by Auditor of State Keith Faber, uncovered that former fiscal officer, Joseph Sosnowski, incurred $8,043 in penalties and late fees for failing to remit pension contributions and pay lease and loan obligations on time.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor Faber Seeks RFPs for Internal Performance Audit
Auditor of State Keith Faber announced his office is accepting proposals for a performance audit of the Auditor of State’s office.
Public Meeting to Review Feasibility Study on Liberty, Matthews, and Brookfield School Districts
The Auditor of State’s office announced a public meeting to discuss a feasibility study conducted by the Ohio Performance Team on shared services between Liberty, Matthews, and Brookfield School Districts.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports in October.
McDonald-Roundhead Joint Recreational District Owed $2,000 from Former Fiscal Officer
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued a finding for recovery against Fiscal Officer Jennifer Henkle in an audit for McDonald-Roundhead Joint Recreational District (Hardin County).
Auditor Faber Declares Union Township “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared Union Township (Pike County) “unauditable” after the township failed to submit financial statements essential to complete the audit.
Auditor Faber Declares Madison Township “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared Madison Township (Fayette County) “unauditable” after the township failed to submit financial statements essential to complete the audit.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, November 7, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, October 17, 2019.
Auditor Faber Finds Director of Western Ohio Regional Treatment and Habituation Center Owes $5,201
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2015-2016 audit of the Western Ohio Regional Treatment and Habituation Center (Allen County). The audit uncovered that the center misspent $5,201 on credit card purchases lacking supporting documentation, checks paid without documentation, and late payments on credit card purchases
Auditor Faber Declares the Village of Tuscarawas “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber has declared the Village of Tuscarawas (Tuscarawas County) “unauditable” after state auditors found that accurate monthly bank reconciliations were not available for audit.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, October 10, 2019.
Audit Finds Former Scioto County Recreation Department Supervisor Failed to Deposit $4,495 in County Accounts
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued the fiscal year 2018 audit of Scioto County. The audit uncovers that the former Recreation Department Supervisor, Tim Knittel, failed to deposit $4,495 of fees collected for shelter reservations.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifier for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
– A recent financial audit of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, October 8, 2019.
Audit Finds Former Fiscal Officer of the Village of South Bloomfield Improperly Spent $1,305
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the audit of the Village of South Bloomfield (Pickaway County) for fiscal years 2016 and 2017, which finds that the former fiscal officer, Iris Darst, improperly spent $1,305 of village funds.
Auditor Faber Corrects a $5,457 Overpayment by Eastland Preparatory Academy
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the fiscal year 2018 audit of Eastland Preparatory Academy (Franklin County), which indicated that the academy overpaid their lessor, Obermiller LLC by $5,457.
Auditor Faber Announces September Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce the entities receiving the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports in September.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, October 3, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, October 1, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, October 1, 2019.
Audit Finds $11,780 Owed to Adams County Metropolitan Housing Authority
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the Adams Metropolitan Housing Authority (Adams County) audit that issues a finding for recovery totaling $11,780 against the authority’s project manager, Donna Hendrix.
Audit Reveals Athens County Overpays Employees Over $1,500
Auditor of State Keith Faber this week released the fiscal year 2018 audit of Athens County, which uncovered that the county’s Board of Election’s poor internal controls resulted in eight county employees being overpaid a total of $1,603.
Audit Issues Finding for Recovery Against Former Muskingum County Engineer
The Auditor of State’s office today released the fiscal year 2018 audit of Muskingum County. The audit issues a finding for recovery for $18,517 against former county engineer Doug Davis and his bonding company.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, September 26, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor Faber Declares Firelands Ambulance Service “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared Firelands Ambulance Service “unauditable” after state auditors determined the condition of their financial records were not adequate to finish the audit.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned a clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, September 19, 2019.
Auditor Declares Southern Ohio Port Authority “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared the Southern Ohio Port Authority ‘unauditable” after the port authority failed to submit annual financial statements and did not have their financial records available to commence their biannual audit.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, September 12, 2019.
Audit Finds Symmes Township Paid Over $33,000 in Late Fees
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-2018 audit of Symmes Township in Hamilton County, which uncovered that the township accrued $33,182 in late fees over the course of four years.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, September 5, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, September 5, 2019.
Auditor Keith Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Auditor Faber Declares the Village of Timberlake "Unauditable"
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared the Village of Timberlake (Lake County) “unauditable” after officials failed to reconcile accounting records with bank accounts for 21 of the 24 months during fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Auditor Faber Finds City of Youngstown Issued More Than $4 Million in Improper Loans and Grants
Auditor of State Keith Faber found that the City of Youngstown incurred $4,462,662 in inappropriate expenses from the Water, Sewer, and Environmental Sanitation fund.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, August 27, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, August 22, 2019.
Audit Finds Former Dog Warden Stole Over $26,000 from Dog Adoption and Donation Funds
Auditor of State Keith Faber today issued a $26,267 finding for recovery against Dawn Croft, former Dog Warden for the Columbiana County Dog Pound.
Auditor Keith Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, August 20, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, 15, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Statement Regarding City of Youngstown’s Rejection of AOS Proposal
The following is a statement that may be attributed to Allison Dumski, Spokesperson for Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office:
Auditor Faber Finds Village Utility Clerk Owes Over $6,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released an audit that issued a $6,787 finding for recovery against Cynthia Barnhill, the former Village of Williamsport (Pickaway County) utility clerk.
Auditor Faber Declares Hanover Township “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Keith Faber today declared Hanover Township (Licking County) “unauditable” list after officials failed to file financial statements for fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, August 6, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, August 6, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Coshocton Metropolitan Housing Authority Overpays Employees over $14,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the fiscal year 2017 audit of Coshocton Metropolitan Housing Authority. The audit uncovered a lack of proper accounting processes, which led to the housing authority overpaying seven employees a total of $14,264.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, August 1, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday August 1, 2019.
Auditor Faber Finds Wright State Applied Research Corporation Improperly Paid Consulting Group over $1.3 Million
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released an audit on Wright State Applied Research Corporation (WSARC), which finds the corporation inappropriately paid Ron Wine Consulting Group LLC $1,333,648.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, July 30, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, July 25, 2019.
Auditor Faber Orders Former Village of Rio Grande Court Clerk to Repay Over $7,000
Columbus –Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2015 and 2016 audit of the Village of Rio Grande (Gallia County), which found numerous accounting errors and uncovered a Theft in Office scheme by former Mayor’s Court Clerk, LaDonna Day.
$7,203 in Late Payment Penalties Found in Franklin Township Audit
Auditor of State Keith Faber released today the Franklin Township audit that contained a finding for recovery of $7,203 against Fiscal Officer Lisa Morris.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Award with Distinction
Columbus – Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Declares Hamilton County Agricultural Society “Unauditable’
Auditor of State Keith Faber placed the Hamilton County Agricultural Society on the “unauditable” list after officials failed to file financial statements.
Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for the Auditor of State Award With Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office is responsible for auditing all public entities in Ohio. His mission is to protect Ohioans’ tax dollars while aggressively fighting fraud, waste and abuse of public money.
Auditor Faber’s Statement Regarding the Arraignment and Motion for Suspension of Charles Reader
Auditor Faber issued the following statement:
Cleveland Metropolitan Park District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that, in June, the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, July 2, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, July 2, 2019.
Auditor Faber’s Statement Following the Indictment of Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader
Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the following statement after the Grand Jury indictment of Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader:
Auditor Faber Identifies up to $2 million in Savings and Opportunities to Assist Areas Hardest Hit by Mental Illness and Addiction
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released a performance audit of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, which recommends that the department implement a new fund distribution formula that could potentially redirect $15 million to higher need regions and identifies a possible $1.2-2 million in annual savings.
Auditor Faber Declares, Wayne Township in Fiscal Watch
A substantial deficit in township funds prompted Auditor of State Keith Faber to place Wayne Township (Auglaize County) into fiscal watch today.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, June 27, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, June 27, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award with Distinction Winners
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Faber Declares the Village of Macksburg “Unauditable”
A failure to file financial statements prompted Auditor of State Keith Faber to place the Village of Macksburg (Washington County) on the “unauditable list.”
Auditor Faber Declares the Village of Spencerville “Unauditable”
A lack of financial records and bank reconciliations prompted Auditor of State Keith Faber to place the Village of Spencerville (Allen County) on the “unauditable” list.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 25, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2019.
State Auditor Identifies $2.7 Million in Savings for Ohio EPA
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released a performance audit of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (Ohio EPA) real estate footprint, which recommends potential savings of $2.7 million in the first year.
Auditor Keith Faber Declares the Village of Newtonsville in Fiscal Emergency
Past due accounts payable, deficit fund balances, and a treasury deficiency prompted Auditor of State Keith Faber today to place the Village of Newtonsville (Clermont County) in fiscal emergency.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, June 20, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Jun. 20, 2019.
Laketran Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of Laketran, Lake County’s regional public transportation system, by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, June 13, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, June 13, 2019.
Elida School’s Former Maintenance Worker Owes District $85,000
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2017-18 Elida Local School District audit that issues a finding for recovery for $85,000 against Matthew Burton, former maintenance worker for the district.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, June 11, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, June 11, 2019.
Columbus Metropolitan Library Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Performance Audit of Department of Administrative Services Fleet Management Released
Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the performance audit of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Fleet Management which recommends potential changes that could yield more than $6 million in savings over the next two years
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Jun. 6, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Jun. 6, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Jun. 4, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Jun. 4, 2019.
The Village of Donnelsville Financial Records “Unauditable”
As part of the audit of the Village of Donnelsville for Jan. 1, 2017 through Dec. 31, 2018, Auditor of State Keith Faber declared the village “unauditable” after its fiscal officer for the village failed to provide financial statements required for an audit.
Audits of Richard Allen Academy Charter Schools Uncover $14,850 in Overpayments
Audit reports released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issue findings for recovery against the Richard Allen community schools’ board of trustees and the schools’ treasurer, Brian Adams.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, May 30, 2019.
Information to Avoid Scammers and Statement on Storms
Recent tornados and storms rolled through Ohio including Auditor Faber's hometown of Celina.
Recent tornados and storms rolled through Ohio including Auditor Faber's hometown of Celina.
Multiple Improper Use of Procurement Cards and Management Weaknesses Found in Cleveland Municipal School District Audit
An audit of the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber found improper procurement card transactions and weak management controls.
Former Morgan County Treasurer Commits Theft in Office, Owes $3,815
A 2017 audit report released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber, issues a finding for recovery against former Morgan County treasurer, Dawn Hosom to restore taxpayer funds she stole while working for the county.
Audit Issues $2,013 Finding for Recovery Against Mayors Court Clerk - Village of Coolville
An audit report covering fiscal years 2016 and 2017 released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issues a finding for recovery against Teresa Holisinger, Mayors Court Clerk for the Village of Coolville in Athens County.
Compliance Examination Finds Afinity Healthcare Solutions Owes Ohio Medicaid Over $1M
State auditors found that a Hamilton County provider of home health and personal care aid services improperly billed the state for more than $1 million in work was ineligible for payment from the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
Audit Finds Village of Milan Fiscal Officer Overpays Herself Almost 3k
An audit report released today, covering fiscal years 2016 and 2017, issues a finding for recovery against Mary Bruno, the former fiscal officer for the Village of Milan in Erie County.
Columbus Regional Airport Authority Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report
Auditor Faber Releases Franklin Township from Fiscal Caution
Today Auditor of State Keith Faber released Franklin Township (Richland County) from fiscal caution status.
The City of Powell Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.
Village of Kingston Treasurer Owes More Than $3,200
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issued a finding for recovery against Brian Barr, the Clerk-Treasurer for the Village of Kingston (Ross County) and his bonding company. The audit orders Barr to repay $3,215 to the Ross County village for money lost due to poor accounting practices.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, May 9, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday May 9, 2019.
Auditor Faber Issues Statement Regarding Public Corruption Indictments in Dayton
In response to the press conference by Department of Justice Southern District of Ohio, Auditor of State Keith Faber issued the following statement
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that, in April, the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
The City of Kettering Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audits of the following entity by Auditor of State Keith Faber has returned a clean audit report. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Toledo City Schools Superintendent Improperly Spends School Dollars
Auditor of State Keith Faber released an audit report today that finds Toledo City School District superintendent, Dr. Romules Durant spent $959 on purchases that were against school policy or lacked a proper public purpose.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Apr. 18, 2019.
Green Township Fiscal Officer Racks Up Over 2k in Late Fees
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber orders former fiscal officer Pamela Otworth to repay Green Township (Scioto County) $2,229 for a late fee incurred on the township’s commercial loan agreement.
Auditor Issues Over 16k in Findings for Recovery against Local School Officials
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber on Stow-Munroe Falls City School District (Summit County) exposes several instances of school officials misspending school district funds.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2019.
Former Vinton County Local School District Secretary Guilty of Theft, Auditor Issues Findings for Recovery
In an audit released today, Auditor of State Keith Faber issues a finding for recovery for $5,344 against Gayle Huff, the former high school secretary for Vinton County School District.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 11, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Apr. 11, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 9, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2019.
Audit on Townsend Community School Highlights Need for Clearer Funding Guidelines for Blended Learning Community Schools
An audit report released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber finds that Townsend Community School, a blended learning school in Erie County, operated out of compliance with Ohio law. The situation illustrates deficiencies in Ohio’s current law controlling how blended learning community schools operate.
Auditor of State Office Provides Recommendations to Field Local School District in Performance Audit
A performance audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber provides Field Local School District (Portage County) with recommendations to address their self-reported projected deficit condition over the next five years.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, April 4, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, April 4, 2019.
Audit of Harrison Township Uncovers Illegally Spent Funds Noncompliance, Material Weaknesses
An audit report released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber on Harrison Township in Perry County includes findings for recovery and exposes a myriad of other problems relating to the township’s finances.
Audit Finds The Capella High School Fails to Accurately Track Attendance
A state audit released today reveals The Capella High School (Summit County) owes the Ohio Department of Education $18,384 for overstating student attendance.
Audit: Findings for Recovery Issued against Charter School Director
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber exposes $1,986 of debit card purchases made without supporting documentation by the director of Westside Academy in Franklin County.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, April 2, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, April 2, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that, in the month of March, the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Former Guidance Counselor Owes Almost $1k to Garaway Local School District
A former guidance counselor, indicted for theft in office, owes $998 to Garaway Local School District, state auditors found.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Mar. 28, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Mar. 28, 2019.
Auditor Faber Issues Findings for Recovery for $271k against Former City of Hilliard Recreation Deputy Director
In an audit report released today on the City of Hilliard (Franklin County), Auditor of State Keith Faber issues a finding for recovery for $271,898 against Heather Ernst, former city Deputy Director of the Recreation and Parks Department.
Former Village Police Chief Owes $3.5k for Improperly Spending Public Funds
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issues findings for recovery for $3,652 against Clinton Brown, former police chief for the Village of New Vienna (Clinton County).
Report Finds Former Village of Lynchburg Administrator Owes $2,215
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issues findings for recovery against Tamara Anne Pierre, former Village Administrator for the Village of Lynchburg (Highland County).
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Mar. 21, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Mar. 21, 2019.
Village of Fletcher Fiscal Officer Racks Up 1k in Late Fees
An audit released by Auditor of State Keith Faber today orders former Fiscal Officer Julie Vaughan to repay the Village of Fletcher in Miami County $1,085 for a late fee on a loan payment.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2019.
Auditor Faber Releases 2018 City of Cincinnati Audit Report
Auditor of State Keith Faber has released the 2018 financial audit report on the City of Cincinnati today.
Village of Belmore Released from the Auditor of State’s “Unauditable” List
This week, due to the restoration of their financial records, Auditor of State Keith Faber removed the Village of Belmore from the Auditor of State’s “unauditable” list.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Mar. 14, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Thursday, Mar. 14, 2019.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award with Distinction Winners
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following school districts have received the Auditor of State Award with Distinction for their clean audit report.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019
The Auditor’s office releases audit reports semiweekly and will release the following audits on Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019.
City of Niles Emerges from Fiscal Emergency After More than 4 Years
Auditor of State Keith Faber released the City of Niles (Trumbull County) from fiscal emergency today because of their improved financial practices and elimination of fund deficits.
State of Ohio Audit Released
Auditor of State Keith Faber released the annual audit of the state’s federal financial assistance programs for FY 2018 today.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Mar. 7, 2019
The Auditor’s office will release the following audits on Thursday, Mar. 7, 2019.
Report Finds $70,000 in Illegal Expenditures by Lincoln Heights Village Manager
An audit released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber issues findings for recovery against Rebecca Hopkins, former manager of the Village of Lincoln Heights (Hamilton County).
Findlay City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that the following entity has received the Auditor of State Award with Distinction for its clean audit report:
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Mar. 5, 2019
The Auditor’s office will release the following audits on Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2019.
JobsOhio Compliance and Control Engagement Report Posted
In compliance with their statutory obligation, the Auditor of State and JobsOhio posted the compliance and control audit of JobsOhio today.
Auditor Faber Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that, in the month of February, the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019
The Auditor’s office will release the following audits on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019.
Auditor Keith Faber Declares Niles City School District is in Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Keith Faber today placed Niles City School District in a state of fiscal emergency after the school district failed to comply with their state approved financial recovery plan.
Auditor Keith Faber Places the Village of Harrisburg in Fiscal Caution
Significant deficiencies and material weakness, indeterminable fund balances, and unreconciled journals and ledgers has prompted Auditor of State Keith Faber to place the Village of Harrisburg (Franklin County) in a state of fiscal caution.
City Day Community School Audit Finds Superintendent Commits Ethics Violation
An audit report released today finds that Crystal Gilbert-Mosley, superintendent for City Day Community School in Montgomery County, improperly hired her mother and daughter as substitute teachers.
Audit Finds Polly Fox Academy Fails to Accurately Track Attendance
A state audit released today reveals Polly Fox Academy (Lucas County) owes the Ohio Department of Education $49,962 for inaccurate student attendance data reporting
Property Owner Improperly Bills Ohio University, Owes School Over $20k
An audit report released today issues a finding for recovery for $20,449 against John A. Wharton for improperly billing Ohio University (Athens County) for improvements to his personal property.
Audit Uncovers Phoenix Academy Owes $2.1 Million
An audit released today shows Phoenix Academy (Lucas County) owes the Ohio Department of Education roughly $2.1 million for inaccurate attendance reporting
Four School Districts Qualify for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that four entities have received the Auditor of State Award with Distinction for their clean audit reports
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019
The Auditor's office will release the following audits on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019
The following audit reports are scheduled for release on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019
Audit Finds First Time Learners Academy Inaccurately Tracks Attendance
A state audit released today for First Time Learners Academy (Franklin County) issues findings for recovery for inaccurate attendance reporting and an unsupported expenditure.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Auditor of State Keith Faber is pleased to announce that two school districts have received the Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019
The Auditor's office will release the following audit reports on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019
The Auditor’s office will release the following audits on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019.
Audit Advisory for Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019
The Auditor's office will release the following audits on Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019.
Auditor of State Award with Distinction
The following school districts have returned clean audit reports, and their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Beavercreek Township Audit Reveals Lack of Timely Payments
A financial audit released today orders Fiscal Officer Christy Ahrens to repay Beavercreek Township $2,015 for late fees and interest because of untimely payments.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019
The Auditor's office will release the following audits on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019
The Auditor’s office will release the following audits on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019.
Mecca Township Removed from the Auditor of State’s “Unauditable” List
Due to the restoration of their financial records, the Auditor of State’s office has removed Mecca Township (Trumbull County) from the “unauditable” list after over 22 months.
Audit Releases for the Week of Jan. 28, 2019
The following audits will be Tuesday, Jan. 29 and Thursday Jan. 31, 2019
Audit of Village of Rockford Questions Debit Card Purchases
A state audit released today questions spending by a former volunteer with the Village of Rockford.
Audit of Dayton Early College Academy Reveals More Than 44k in Findings
A state audit of Dayton Early College Academy in Montgomery County reported $44,725 in improper credit card purchases between January 2010 and February 2017.
Audits Report Public Money Overpaid and Under Billed in Smith Township and Village of Sebring Fire and EMS Contract
A state audit issued today for Smith Township reports an overpayment of $48,716 from the Township to the Village of Sebring fire and EMS. Additionally, a separate audit issued today for the Village of Sebring reported a finding for recovery of public monies for $110,020 against the Village fire chief James Cannell and Smith Township.
Audit Reports Unauthorized Payments to Former Murray City Fiscal Officer
A state audit released today reports unauthorized pay of $6,100 to a former Village of Murray City (Hocking County) fiscal officer who is facing theft charges.
Former Struthers Employee Received Unemployment Benefits Despite Conviction
A conviction for tampering with records should have disqualified a former City of Struthers (Mahoning County) employee from receiving more than $800 in unemployment benefits, state auditors reported today.
Legislature Should Review Charter School Lease Practices, Auditor’s Report Recommends
Shortcomings in Ohio law governing charter school facility leases create the opportunity for practices that could enrich private companies while shortchanging Ohio’s students and taxpayers, a report by Auditor of State Dave Yost has found.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Tallmadge City School District (Summit County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Mentor Exempted Village School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Mentor Exempted Village School District (Lake County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Jan. 10
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019.
St. Clair Township Released from Fiscal Emergency
St. Clair Township has regained financial stability after spending more than four and a half years in a state of fiscal emergency, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Berea City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Berea City School District (Cuyahoga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Jan. 8
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019.
Audit Reports Debit Card Misuse at Village of Green Camp
A state audit released today questions debit card spending of almost $2,500 by a former Village of Green Camp official.
Audit Details Theft of Almost $70K From Strongsville City School District
A state audit released today shows the extent of a theft committed by a former Strongsville City Schools employee who was sentenced in October to nine months in prison.
Report Finds $85,000 in Undocumented Spending by Pike County Convention Bureau Chief
The executive director of the Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau used the bureau’s credit card and checking account to pay for $85,390 in undocumented expenses, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Jan. 3
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019.
Audit of Lawrence County ESC Reports Improper Spending of Over $62K
A state audit released today uncovered additional improper spending of more than $62,000 by the Lawrence County Educational Service Center (ESC).
Audit of Adams Township Questions Credit Card Purchases
Adams Township in Washington County lacked records to support more than $2,000 in credit card purchases from 2016 and 2017, state auditors found.
Athletic Director Owes $700 for Missing Ticket Revenue
An athletic director owes $700 to the Mansfield City School District for missing ticket revenue, state auditors reported today.
Audit Reports Missing Marching Band Fees at Northwest Local School District
A former high school band director has repaid about $1,500 to the Northwest Local School District following a state audit that identified a shortage of marching band participation fees.
Former Police Chief Indicted for Alleged Misuse of Donations
A former police chief for the Village of New Vienna was indicted last week for allegedly misusing donations intended for the purchase of a police K-9.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Seven School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 27
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018.
Former Employee Owes More Than $10K to Paulding Soil and Water Conservation District
A former program administrator charged with theft in office owes more than $10,000 to the Paulding County Soil and Water Conservation District, state auditors found.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Great Oaks Career Campuses Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of Great Oaks Career Campuses (Hamilton County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The joint vocational school district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 20
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 20, 2018.
State Audit of Cuyahoga County Reports Unauthorized Hiring Incentives, Payroll Errors
Cuyahoga County violated its charter by paying almost $63,000 in unauthorized hiring incentives to eight employees during 2017, state auditors reported today.
Audit of DECA Prep Reports Theft of Almost $1,600
A former employee of Dayton Early College Academy (DECA) Prep stole $1,573 from the charter school by submitting fraudulent requests for expense reimbursements, state auditors reported today.
Statement from Auditor Yost on Audit of DECA Prep
The following statement may be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding the audit of Dayton Early College Academy (DECA) Prep released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 18
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018.
Cuyahoga Falls City School District Could Save $5.5 million annually, Performance Audit Shows
Cuyahoga Falls City School District could save $5.5 million annually and avoid a projected 2023 deficit of more than $22 million by adopting the recommendations of a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Report Details Ohio’s Flawed E-School Funding System, Recommends Solutions
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released a report detailing significant flaws in Ohio’s system for funding online charter schools and recommending a number of fixes to the Ohio legislature.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Pike County Joint Vocational School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Pike County Joint Vocational School District by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 13
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018.
Former Bridgeport Fiscal Officer Owes More Than $22,300
State auditors today ordered a former Bridgeport fiscal officer to repay more than $22,300 to the Belmont County village.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 11
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018.
Addiction Treatment Program Owes $11M to Ohio Department of Medicaid
Overpayment to Richland County Company is Largest Since Auditor Yost Took Office in 2011
A Mansfield-based addiction treatment program owes almost $11 million to the state for services that were unsubstantiated or ineligible for reimbursement from the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Mill Creek Metropolitan Park District (Mahoning County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 6
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018.
Village of Bridgeport Placed in Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Dave Yost today placed the Village of Bridgeport in a state of fiscal emergency after the village defaulted on outstanding debts.
Shuttered Charter School Still Owes $195K to State
A former charter school located in Scioto County never repaid $195,000 it received from the state due to inflated student attendance data, according to an audit released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 4
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Jefferson Water and Sewer District (Franklin County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 29
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018.
Audit: Food Vendor Didn’t Pay Rental Fees of $122K to Franklin County Vets Memorial
A food vendor’s failure to pay nearly $122,000 in rental fees to the former Franklin County Veterans Memorial went undetected for years, state auditors reported today.
Audit: Former Employee Stole Student Fees from Shawnee Local School District
A former secretary who stole $34,400 from the Shawnee Local School District targeted payments made by students and their parents for field trips, yearbooks and other fees.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Berkshire Local School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Berkshire Local School District (Geauga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 27
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018.
Newton Township Released From Fiscal Caution
Newton Township in Trumbull County has regained financial stability after spending six years in a state of fiscal caution, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Legislation Proposed Today to Ensure Financial Resources for Ohio Counties of Capital Crimes Involving Multiple Victims and Defendants
When a multi-defendant capital crime occurs in a county with limited resources, local officials may be unable to seek justice because of the extraordinary cost of prosecuting such a case. Today, Ohio Auditor Dave Yost was joined by Senator Bob Peterson and Representative Shane Wilkin to call for legislation to address the financial strain on a community brought on by cases involving multiple victims and defendants.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 20
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018.
City of Chillicothe Released from Fiscal Caution
The City of Chillicothe has restored its financial health after spending six years in a state of fiscal caution, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Rush Township, Scioto County, Released From Fiscal Caution
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released Rush Township in Scioto County from fiscal caution – a designation it has held since 2014.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 15
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018.
Overpaid Trustees Owe $1,392 to Elk Township
Officials at Elk Township owe $1,392 to the Vinton County community for overpayments they received in 2017, state auditors reported today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 13
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 8
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018.
Ohio Attorney General and Auditor of State Offer Manual of Best Practices to Secure Property Rooms
Securing and protecting evidence is a necessity for the justice system, and a new manual created jointly by the offices of the Ohio Attorney General and the Auditor of State provides the state’s law enforcement agencies with best practices in the management of property and evidence rooms, Attorney General Mike DeWine and Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Audit of Wayne Township Reports More Than $13K in Findings
A state audit of Wayne Township reported about $13,500 in misused levy proceeds, improper reimbursements and overdue cemetery revenue from 2015 and 2016.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the City of Wauseon (Fulton County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Worthington City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Worthington City School District (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 23
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018.
Former Fiscal Officer Indicted for Theft of Nearly $100K
A former fiscal officer is facing theft in office charges for allegedly stealing almost $100,000 from Liberty Township in Guernsey County.
Lincoln Heights Village Manager Indicted for Theft in Office Totaling Nearly $67,200
A Hamilton County grand jury has indicted the former village manager of Lincoln Heights for theft in office stemming from her alleged misuse of a village credit card and other funds totaling nearly $67,200.
Former Paulding County Soil and Water District Employee Indicted
The former program administrator of the Soil and Water Conservation District of Paulding County was indicted on theft in office and tampering with records charges.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Oct. 18
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018.
Village of Manchester Ends Longest Fiscal Emergency in State History
Financial stability has returned to the Village of Manchester, where officials and citizens have spent the past 21 years navigating the longest financial crisis in state history.
Pickaway Township Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial statements prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place Pickaway Township (Pickaway County) on the “unauditable” list.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 16
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018.
FHI Data Show Spending Exceeds Revenues in 100 Ohio Cities
Cities Challenged to Address Buildings, Infrastructure and Other Capital Needs
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released a report on the latest Financial Health Indicators for Ohio’s cities and counties which shows 100 cities are spending more than they take in and are relying on reserves to stay in the black. The data also show delayed investment by many of Ohio’s 247 cities into capital assets, such as buildings, infrastructure and other large capital purchases.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Oct. 11
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018.
Convicted Clerk-Treasurer Owes Additional $2,300 to Village of Mogadore
A former clerk-treasurer who pleaded guilty to theft in January for stealing from the Village of Mogadore owes an additional $2,300 to the Summit County village, state auditors found.
Performance Audit Recommends $1.58 Million in Savings to St. Marys City School District
The St. Marys City School District (Auglaize County) could achieve annual savings of slightly more than $1.58 million through staff reductions and other measures recommended in a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Fiscal Officer Paid for Hotel Stay, College Tuition with Fire District’s Credit Cards
The fiscal officer of a disbanded northeast Ohio fire district charged about $12,000 to the district’s credit cards for personal expenses and failed to document another $10,000 in spending, according to a report released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 9
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018.
City of Galion Emerges from Fiscal Emergency After More than 14 Years
The City of Galion has achieved financial stability by erasing $8 million in fund deficits and addressing a $4.4 million treasury deficiency, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Audit Releases for Thursday, Oct. 4
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Four Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 2
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018.
Public Universities, Colleges Would Like Help With Clery Reporting, Auditor’s Survey Finds
Ohio’s public universities and colleges face a number of challenges in fulfilling the federal mandate to report campus crime statistics and detail campus security policy and procedures, according to a survey of these institutions conducted by Auditor of State Dave Yost. The survey makes clear that universities and colleges would welcome help from the state in fulfilling their obligations under the law known as the Clery Act.
Former Columbiana County Police Sergeant Indicted on Seven Felony Counts Involving Theft, Burglary
A former St. Clair Township (Columbiana County) police sergeant has been indicted on seven felonies, including theft in office, for falsely claiming overtime.
Former Somerset Police Chief Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail
Former Somerset Police Chief Jeremy VanDermark was sentenced today to 90 days in the Southeast Ohio Regional Jail for one count of theft in office, a fourth-degree felony, for using the Perry County village’s credit card to pay for personal purchases for his family’s personal vehicles, testosterone supplement and other transactions. The total cost of his improper purchases is nearly $5,737.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (Summit County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The housing authority’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Former Allen County Schools Employee Pleads Guilty to Theft Charges
An employee of the Shawnee Local School District (Allen County) pleaded guilty today to theft in office and grand theft for stealing more than $56,000 from the district and an affiliated booster organization.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Sept. 27
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018.
Ohio State University Could Leverage Efficiencies and Process Improvements to Save $6.4 Million, Performance Audit Finds
By optimizing use of printers and copiers; adopting consistent, efficient hiring and financial transactions processes, and moving computer servers to cost-effective data centers, The Ohio State University could save more than $6.4 million annually and better support its educational goals, according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Four Cities, One County Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Sept. 25
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018.
Ohio Auditor’s Chief of Local Government Services Unice Smith Recipient of Hugh Dorrian “Lifetime Achievement Award”
Unice Smith, chief of the Ohio Auditor of State’s Local Government Services Section, on Thursday received the Hugh Dorrian “Lifetime Achievement Award” recognizing her service to the public and through the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) with integrity throughout her career.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Ohio Auditor’s Special Report Highlights Cost-Saving Resource Available to Public School Districts
Performance audits of school districts have produced more than $138 million in savings recommendations since 2011
Spending is expected to exceed revenue for 93 percent (569) of Ohio’s public school districts over the next five years, according to a new report from Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office. Fortunately, more than half of these districts have carryover balances that will keep them in the black through the period.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Sept. 20
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Walnut Township Fiscal Officer Ordered to Step Down Following Guilty Plea
A Fairfield County judge today ordered the fiscal officer of Walnut Township to resign by Oct. 31 for unlawfully recommending her sister for a job with the township.
$779K in Findings Reported in Special Audit of Cincinnati’s Metropolitan Sewer District
Auditor of State Dave Yost today issued about $779,000 in findings for recovery against the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County and seven companies that did business with the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD).
Audit of Medical Marijuana Program Finds Numerous Mistakes, Inconsistent Application of Scoring Rules
Auditors Question Authority of Commerce Department Issuing Additional Licenses
The Ohio Department of Commerce exceeded its legal authority when it awarded two additional licenses to cultivators in the state’s fledgling medical marijuana program, according to the results of an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
City of Conneaut Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the City of Conneaut (Ashtabula County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The city’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Ohio Auditor of State’s Office Wins National Award for ‘Fiscal Physical’ Tool
The Ohio Auditor of State’s “Financial Health Indicators” (FHI) tool has earned a Government Experience Award from the Center for Digital Government, recognizing the office for its achievement in technology.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Sept. 13
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
City of Westlake Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the City of Westlake (Cuyahoga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The city’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Sept. 11
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018.
Audit: Sheriff’s Office Employees Should Have Paid for Own Meal Expenses
Employees of the Portage County Sheriff’s Office spent $1,516 of the county’s funds at restaurants instead of eating pre-paid food that was already provided at training seminars during 2017.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Sept. 6
The following audits will be released Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Eight Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Sept. 4
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018.
Former Youngstown Mayor, Finance Director Indicted on Public Corruption Charges
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost, and Mahoning County Prosecuting Attorney Paul Gains today announced that a Mahoning County grand jury has indicted the former mayor and finance director of Youngstown on public corruption charges. The indictment is part of an ongoing public corruption probe of corrupt activity which includes a Poland, Ohio, businessman who was previously indicted on corruption charges last year.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Sandusky County-Seneca County-City of Tiffin Port Authority received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Five Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 30
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Four Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Aug. 28
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018.
Former Cemetery Employee Owes District Nearly $6K for Missing Revenue
A former employee of an Ashtabula County cemetery district is on the hook for almost $6,000 in revenue that never made it to the bank, according to an audit report released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
City of Moraine Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the City of Moraine (Montgomery County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The city’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 23
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018.
Two Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Audit Holds Ex-Veterans Service Officials Accountable for $75K in Losses
An audit of Licking County released today names two former administrators of the Veterans Service Commission responsible for more than $75,000 in financial losses.
Performance Audit Recommends $3.4 Million In Savings to Howland Local School District
The Howland Local School District (Trumbull County) could achieve annual savings of slightly more than $3.4 million through staff reductions and other measures recommended in a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Aug. 21
Audit reports are released semiweekly. The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018.
Auditor’s Report: Pharmacy Benefit Managers Take Fees of 31% on Generic Drugs Worth $208M in One-Year Period
Geographic Price-Spread Disparities Found in Medicaid Pharmacy Payments
Ohio's Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) charged the state a “spread” of more than 31 percent for generic drugs – nearly four times as much as the previously reported average spread across all drugs, according to a new report by Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Releases Village of Tiro from Fiscal Emergency
The Village of Tiro has achieved financial stability after spending almost six years in a state of fiscal emergency, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Two Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 16
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 16, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Cities, Two Counties Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Aug. 14
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.
Village of Somerset Police Chief Pleads Guilty to Theft in Office
Former Somerset Police Chief Jeremy VanDermark pleaded guilty today to theft in office for using the Perry County village’s credit card to pay for personal purchases for his family’s personal vehicles, testosterone supplement and other transactions. The total cost of his improper purchases is nearly $5,737.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Five Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 9
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018.
Lawrence County ESC Spent Another $234K of Former Charter School’s Funds in Error
The latest audit of the Lawrence County Academy attributes nearly $234,000 in spending errors to the former charter school’s sponsor and treasurer.
Three Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Results of Auditor’s Review of Pharmacy Benefit Managers Will Be Released to Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today the review by his staff regarding the fees retained by Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) to handle the state’s pharmacy management will be released to the Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee at its Aug. 16 meeting.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Aug. 7
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018.
Gov. Kasich Signs Credit Card Reform Legislation Into Law
Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 312 into law Thursday, establishing new safeguards to combat credit card abuse at Ohio’s local governments.
Cincinnati Charter School Overpaid Employee by Almost $4K
A Cincinnati charter school miscalculated the pay of a former employee, causing him to receive $3,885 he did not earn, state auditors found.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two Cities, One Library Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Aug. 2
The following audits will be released Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018.
Legislative Update: Bill Seeks to Enhance Accountability, Transparency of Councils of Governments
By Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State
Legislation approved by the Ohio Senate in April seeks to improve accountability of the state’s Councils of Governments (COGs) and give my office authority to force the consortiums to make their existence known.
Ex-Director of Jefferson Emergency Rescue District Sentenced for Theft, State Releases Audit
A former director of the Jefferson Emergency Rescue District (Ashtabula County) will serve two years of probation and repay $1,032 for falsifying his time sheets, a judge ruled recently.
Auditors Report More Problematic Credit Card Spending at Village of Blanchester
The Village of Blanchester’s failure to maintain receipts for more than $7,000 in credit card purchases yielded audit citations from the state for the second audit in a row.
Performance Audit Recommends $429,300 in Savings to Waterloo Local School District
The Waterloo Local School District (Portage County) could achieve annual savings of $429,300 through staff reductions and other measures recommended in a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Cities, One Township Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, July 31
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 31, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Five Cities, One Transit Authority Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, July 26
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 26, 2018.
Audit Details Former Employee’s Theft from Village of Windham
A former employee of the Village of Windham (Portage County) tried to conceal her theft of almost $5,000 by tampering with the village’s utility billing system, according to an audit released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Six Cities, One County Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, July 24
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 24, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Cuyahoga County Public Library Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Cuyahoga County Public Library by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The library’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, July 19
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 19, 2018.
City of Louisville Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the City of Louisville (Stark County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The city’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Shawnee Local Schools Employee Indicted on Theft Charges
An employee of the Shawnee Local School District (Allen County) is facing theft charges for allegedly stealing more than $56,000 from the district and an affiliated booster organization.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, July 17
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 17, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Three Cities, One County Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, July 12
Audit reports are released semiweekly. The following audits will be released Thursday, July 12, 2018.
Auditor’s Report Urges School Districts to Adopt Policies to Govern Use of Online Fundraising
Across Ohio, hundreds of teachers are using crowdfunding – online fundraising – to generate donations to provide materials to enhance the educational experience of their students. A new report and survey from Auditor of State Dave Yost found that many school districts do not have policies to guide teachers and administrators on how to use crowdfunding properly. The report provides best practices for districts considering these policies.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Three Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, July 10
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 10, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Northeast Ohio Company Owes Ohio Medicaid $910K
A Stark County provider of behavioral health services billed the state almost $840,000 for services that were ineligible for payment from the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), state auditors found.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Four Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, July 5
The following audits will be released Thursday, July 5, 2018.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, July 3
The following audits will be released Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
Darke County Village Misspent Thousands of Public Funds on Contest Prizes
The Village of Wayne Lakes misspent thousands of tax dollars on a golf cart, kayak and other prizes that it gave to citizens during 2015 and 2016, according to a state audit released today.
Auditors Issue Finding Against Former Court Employee as Investigation Continues
A state audit released today details a theft of almost $175,000 by a former employee of the Lucas County Clerk of Courts office, who was sentenced last week to jail time for theft in office.
Performance Audit Recommends More than $640,000 in Savings to Help Belpre City School District
The Belpre City School District (Washington County) could achieve average annual savings of $641,400 based on recommendations of a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Trustees Return Overpayments to Ashtabula Township
A pair of Ashtabula Township (Ashtabula County) trustees have returned overpayments of $618 that they received in 2016, according to a state audit released today.
Ward Township Financial Records “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Dave Yost declared Ward Township “unauditable” today after its fiscal officer failed to provide financial statements required for an audit.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Cities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Yost to Hold Cyber Fraud Prevention Training in Licking County
A cybersecurity expert from Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office will lead a free training seminar in Licking County to help law enforcement and local government officials combat the growing threat of cyberattacks on local government.
Audit Releases for Thursday, June 28
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 28, 2018.
Passage of Credit Card Reform Bill Provides Enhanced Protections for Tax Dollars
State lawmakers have passed new protections for credit cards used by local governments, legislation Auditor of State Dave Yost called for following a special report on credit card abuse issued by his office last year.
Statement from Auditor Yost on Passage of Additional Reforms for E-schools in S.B. 216, H.B. 87
The following statement can be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding reforms contained in S.B. 216 and H.B. 87.
Study: Medicaid Shouldering Soaring Number of Opioid Addicts as Opioid Epidemic Continues
A new report by the Ohio Auditor of State’s office shows the number of Ohio Medicaid recipients with an opioid-related diagnosis (dependence, abuse or overdose) climbed 430 percent between 2010 and 2016, with the state now providing assistance to a soaring number of Ohioans addicted to opioids.
Performance Audit Recommends $272,200 in Savings to Geneva Area City School District
The Geneva Area City School District (Ashtabula County) could achieve annual savings of $272,200 based on recommendations of a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, June 26
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Auditor Yost Issues Statement on Passage of Senate Bill 4
The following statement may be attributed to Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding the passage of Senate Bill 4.
Township’s $35K Overpayment to Company Flew Under the Radar for Almost 2 Years
Spring Valley Township overpaid a road repair company by more than $35,000 in 2015 and failed to realize the mistake until state auditors discovered it almost two years later.
Auditor Yost to Host Free Cybersecurity Training in Miami County
A cybersecurity expert from Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office will lead a free training seminar Wednesday in Piqua (Miami County) to help law enforcement and local government officials combat the growing threat of cyberattacks on government.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Four Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, June 19
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 19, 2018.
Niles City School District Returns to Fiscal Watch
Auditor of State Dave Yost today elevated the Niles City School District to a state of fiscal watch after its Board of Education failed to put forth a financial recovery plan.
Village of Belmore Financial Records “Unauditable”
Auditor of State Dave Yost today declared the Village of Belmore “unauditable” after the Putnam County village ignored repeated requests for financial records.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, June 14
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 14, 2018.
Audit Details Fiscal Officer’s Theft from Village of Alexandria
A newly-released audit of Alexandria reveals the extent of a theft committed by the village’s former fiscal officer Laura Vanscoy Andrews.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two Entities qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, June 12
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 12, 2018.
Audit Shows DAS Ignored Bidding Requirements for IT Contracts
Audit Recommendations Would Strengthen Controls in Bidding Requirements
Officials in the Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) ignored state bidding requirements in awarding some contracts to information technology vendors. However, because of control weaknesses in the procurement process, it’s impossible to verify whether the state overpaid for services.
Former London City Auditor Sentenced to Jail, Probation for Theft in Office
Former London City Auditor Nicholas Szabo was sentenced this morning to 28 days in jail and two years of probation following his plea of guilty last month to a fourth-degree felony count of theft in office.
Auditor Yost to Host Cyber Fraud Prevention Training in Chillicothe
Law enforcement officials and public officials are encouraged to attend
With cyberattacks on governments increasing, Ohio Auditor Dave Yost today announced a free training seminar will be held in Chillicothe to help law enforcement and local government officials combat cybercriminals.
Legislators Pass Amendment Requiring JobsOhio, State Auditor Collaboration on Performance Audits
Legislation passed today by the Ohio Senate would require the Auditor of State’s participation during performance audits of JobsOhio, the state’s privatized economic development agency.
Audit Releases for Thursday, June 7
The following audits will be released Thursday, June 7, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
City of Brunswick Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the City of Brunswick (Medina County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The city’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, June 5
The following audits will be released Tuesday, June 5, 2018.
City of Alliance Elevated to Fiscal Watch
Auditor of State Dave Yost today elevated the City of Alliance (Stark County) to a state of fiscal watch after city officials failed to put forth an acceptable financial recovery plan.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, May 31
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 31, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Columbus Regional Airport Authority Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Columbus Regional Airport Authority (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The authority’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, May 29
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
Goshen Township Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial records prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place Goshen Township (Tuscarawas County) on the “unauditable” list.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Audit Releases for Thursday, May 24
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 24, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Lake Metroparks Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of Lake Metroparks (Lake County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The entity’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, May 22
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Laketran Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of Laketran (Lake County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The transit authority’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Belmont County Sheriff David Lucas Receives Ohio Auditor’s Public Integrity Award
Belmont County Sheriff David Lucas was awarded the Auditor of State’s Public Integrity Award today for the support his office provided during an investigation of York Township.
Bill to Toughen Penalties for Theft in Office Approved by Senate
Legislation that would stiffen the penalties for public employees convicted of theft in office and alleviate some of the financial burden for their victims was approved today by the Ohio Senate in a unanimous vote.
Audit Releases for Thursday, May 17
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 17, 2018.
Former Strongsville City Schools Employee Indicted on Theft Charges Following Search of Residence
A former Strongsville City Schools (Cuyahoga County) employee is facing theft charges after investigators with the Auditor of State’s office tracked more than $65,000 worth of school district property to his residence.
Village of Orwell Penalized $11,567 for Years of Back Taxes
The Village of Orwell paid the IRS $11,567 in penalties and interest during 2017 for 3 1/2 years of back taxes, according to a financial audit released today.
Newton Falls Joint Fire District Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial records prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place the Newton Falls Joint Fire District (Trumbull County) on the “unauditable” list.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, May 15
The following audits will be released Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
Former Leetonia Police Chief Sentenced for Theft
Former Leetonia Police Chief John Soldano was sentenced Wednesday to nine months in prison and ordered to pay restitution for a third-degree felony charge of theft. Soldano pleaded guilty last month to the theft charge stemming from an investigation by the Ohio Auditor’s Public Integrity Assurance Team (PIAT).
Former Niles Mayor Sentenced to Ten Years for Public Corruption
Former Niles Mayor Ralph Infante was sentenced to ten years in prison today following a public corruption trial in Trumbull County. The sentence was issued by Visiting Judge Patricia Ann Cosgrove, who also ordered more than $51,000 to be paid in restitution to the state and to the City of Niles.
ECOT Inflated Time Claimed for Students, Failed to Document Time Spent Learning, Audit Finds
Auditor Yost Refers Findings to U.S. Attorney, County Prosecutor for Potential Prosecution
The Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) inflated the amount of time it claimed its students were engaged in learning by failing to deduct the time students were inactive online, according to an audit released today by Ohio Auditor Dave Yost.
Late Fees, Interest Cost Cardinal Joint Fire District $1,887 During 2016
The Cardinal Joint Fire District (Mahoning County) paid $1,887 in penalties and interest during 2016 for late payments of employee income tax and pension withholdings, state auditors found.
Village of Newtonsville Audit Finds Unsupported Spending, Conflict of Interest
A newly-released audit of the Village of Newtonsville reports almost $700 in undocumented spending and a violation of the state’s laws governing conflicts of interest.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost to Release Audit of the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow
Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost will host a press conference on Thursday, May 10, to discuss an audit of the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT).
Former London City Auditor Pleads Guilty to Theft in Office
The former City Auditor of London (Madison County) pleaded guilty today to theft in office for his failure to reimburse the city for his health insurance costs and for an unauthorized pay increase for a fellow employee.
Audit Releases for Thursday, May 10
The following audits will be released Thursday, May 10, 2018.
Village of Bridgeport Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial records and bank reconciliations prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place the Village of Bridgeport (Belmont County) on the “unauditable” list.
Ohio Auditor of State’s Office Awarded by Peers for Excellence in Accountability
The Ohio Auditor of State’s special audit of Mt. Sterling has earned an Excellence in Accountability Award from the National State Auditors Association (NSAA), Auditor Yost announced today.
Statement Regarding Request for ECOT Subpoena
The office of Auditor of State Dave Yost issued the following statement regarding Franklin County Court Judge Michael J. Holbrook’s request for a subpoena to protect certain information on the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow’s equipment.
Former Athletic Director Sentenced for Conflict of Interest
A former athletic director of the Tipp City Exempted Village School District (Miami County) was ordered to pay a fine and perform community service after he was found guilty today of having a conflict of interest.
Former IT Worker Pays $45,138 to School District for Apple Products He Sold on eBay
The Orange City School District (Cuyahoga County) received $45,138 in restitution today from a former employee who used his position to acquire discounted Apple products that he sold on eBay.
Joint Statement from Ohio Auditor of State, Ethics Commision
Former Cleveland City Councilman Facing 26 Charges After Ethics Investigation
Former Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman is facing 26 charges of unlawful interest in a public contract following an investigation by the Ohio Ethics Commission.
Central Ohio Medicaid Provider Owes State $2M for Improper Billings
A Franklin County home health agency owes the state more than $2 million, primarily because the company billed the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) for services it was not yet authorized to provide.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Auditor’s Study Shows Belmont County School Districts Could Improve Efficiency, Save Money Through Shared Services
In a first-of-its-kind feasibility study, Auditor of State Dave Yost has determined that several Belmont County School districts could improve efficiency and save money by combining bus maintenance services.
Statement from the Office of Ohio Auditor Dave Yost
At Auditor Yost’s direction, the office began evaluating how compliance testing with NICS could be conducted in mid-December.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, April 24
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 24, 2018.
State Auditors Report Improper Medicaid Payments of $900K to Franklin County Provider
A Franklin County Medicaid provider that administered some of its care with unqualified staff improperly billed the state for more than $900,000 worth of services, according to a report released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, April 19
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 19, 2018.
Audit: Lawrence County ESC Spent $93K of Charter School’s Funds in Error
The Lawrence County Educational Service Center (ESC) and its former treasurer are on the hook for almost $93,000 in ESC expenses that it paid with the funds of a now-shuttered charter school that it sponsored.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, April 17
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 17, 2018.
Public Meeting Notice
Fleet Maintenance Shared Services Feasibility Study Planned Scope of Work
In accordance with Ohio Rev. Code Sect. 117.473, a public meeting and hearing have been scheduled for the Fleet Maintenance Shared Services Feasibility Study Planned Scope of Work as follows.
Brookfield Local School District Released from Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Dave Yost today announced that the Brookfield Local School District (Trumbull County) has achieved financial stability after spending almost five years in fiscal emergency.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, April 12
The following audits will be released Thursday, April 12, 2018.
Senate Approves S.B. 239 to Improve Accountability, Transparency of Council of Government Organizations
Legislation approved by the Ohio Senate today to improve accountability of Council of Governments (COGs) will give the Ohio Auditor of State new power to force the consortiums to make their existence known.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, April 10
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 10, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, April 5
Audit reports are released semiweekly. The following audits will be released Thursday, April 5, 2018.
Niles City School District Could Save $3.4 Million Annually, Performance Audit Shows
The Niles City School District could save almost $3.4 million annually and avoid a projected 2022 deficit of nearly $11.6 million by adopting the recommendations of a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, April 3
The following audits will be released Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
Report Offers Guidance on Escaping and Avoiding Fiscal Emergency
By Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State
Few things can be as traumatic to a county, school district, city, village or township as being declared to be in fiscal emergency as a result of defaulting on debt, failing to make payroll or running fund deficits.
Former Cheerleading Coach Owes School District $1,880 for Missing Student Payments
A state audit released today orders a former high school cheerleading coach to repay $1,880 in missing revenue to the Fairfield Union Local School District (Fairfield County).
Audit Uncovers Credit Card Penalties at Cuyahoga Falls City School District
The Cuyahoga Falls City School District was hit with $2,618 in penalties for late payments and overcharges to a district credit card, according to a state audit.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, March 29
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 29, 2018.
Former Volunteer Treasurer Sentenced to Probation, Ordered to Pay Restitution for Theft
A former volunteer treasurer who stole tens of thousands of dollars from two groups affiliated with the Shawnee Local School District (Allen County) was sentenced late last week to five years of probation and ordered to pay $51,419 in restitution.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Statement from Auditor Yost on Columbus City Schools Board of Education Restarting Superintendent Selection Process
In response to today’s unanimous vote by the Columbus City Schools Board of Education to restart its process for selecting a new superintendent, Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost issued the following statement.
Former York Township Fiscal Officer and Two Others Indicted for Theft from Township
The former fiscal officer for York Township (Belmont County) and its Water Authority has been indicted on 27 counts involving theft in office and related charges in connection with paying her mother Irma Shreffler, and one other person with money they had not earned. Dawn Lee’s mother and another person also were indicted by the Belmont County grand jury on 10 additional counts.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, March 27
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 27, 2018.
Ohio Auditor’s Report Details How Communities Can Overcome, Avoid Fiscal Emergency
Few things can be as traumatic to a county, school district, city, village or township as being declared to be in fiscal emergency as a result of defaulting on debt, failing to make payroll or running fund deficits.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Fiscal Officer Failed to Pay Fire District Employee Taxes
The former fiscal officer of the Clinton-Highland Joint Fire District (Clinton County) failed to remit withheld federal income taxes which resulted in late fees and penalties totaling $22,559, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Audit Releases for Thursday, March 22
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 22, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Miamisburg City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Miamisburg City School District (Montgomery County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, March 20
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Madison-Plains School District Could Save $1.8 million, Performance Audit Shows
Madison-Plains Local School District could save nearly $1.8 million and eliminate a projected 2022 deficit of $7.4 million by adopting the recommendations of a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Search Warrant Executed At Muskingum County Engineer’s Office
Members of the State Auditor’s Public Integrity Assurance Team (PIAT) executed a search warrant today at the Muskingum County Engineer’s Office, 155 Rehl Rd., Zanesville. The Muskingum County Sheriff’s Department and agents of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) assisted in the execution of the search warrant.
Audit Releases for Thursday, March 15
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 15, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Southern Hills Joint Vocational School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Southern Hills Joint Vocational School District (Brown County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Former Basketball Coach Owes School District Almost $8K for Botched Fundraiser
A former basketball coach of the Northwest Local School District is on the hook for nearly $8,000 billed to the district for a fundraiser he mismanaged during 2016.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, March 13
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 13, 2018.
State Auditors Issued 321 Citations for Public Records Violations in 2017, Down 22 Percent
State auditors issued 321 public records-related citations to 267 public entities in calendar year 2017 – a 22 percent drop in citations from the prior year, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today as part of Sunshine Week, a nationwide initiative designed to raise awareness of the importance of open government and public records.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports:
Twinsburg City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Twinsburg City School District (Summit County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report.
Auditor Yost Presents “Taxpayer Hero Award” to Kirtland Local School District
Auditor of State Dave Yost presented a Taxpayer Hero Award today to Kirtland Local School District (Lake County) in recognition of the district’s successful cost savings through a variety of initiatives.
Paxton Fiscal Officer Repays Township for Improper Raise
The fiscal officer of Paxton Township has repaid $300 to the Ross County community after auditors found the township violated state law by giving her a midterm pay raise.
Audit Releases for Thursday, March 8
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 8, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Vandalia-Butler City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Vandalia-Butler City School District (Montgomery County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
More Findings for Recovery Issued Against Former Village of Macksburg Fiscal Officer
A former fiscal officer previously convicted of theft in office after using the Village of Macksburg’s debit card to make personal expenditures and unsupported ATM withdrawals totaling $3,885, has been found to have made an additional $1,724 in illegal expenditures, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Village of Bratenahl Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial records and bank reconciliations prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place the Village of Bratenahl (Cuyahoga County) on the “unauditable” list.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, March 6
The following audits will be released Tuesday, March 6, 2018.
Audit: Dayton Public Schools Sent Months of Unearned Paychecks to Former Employees
The Dayton City School District continued to send paychecks to some of its former employees for months after they resigned during 2017, according to a state audit released today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Auditor Yost, Legislators Announce Bill to Amend Theft in Office Law
Legislation announced today by Auditor of State Dave Yost and Sen. Steve Wilson would stiffen the penalties for public employees convicted of theft in office and alleviate some of the financial burden for their victims.
Proposed Legislation Addresses Limitations in Laws Regulating Theft in Office Charges
By Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State
As a former county prosecutor, it’s no surprise that I believe corrupt public servants deserve more than a slap on the wrist for swindling tax dollars from their communities.
State of Ohio Audit Released
The annual review of the state’s federal financial assistance programs for FY 2017 was released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Audit Releases for Thursday, March 1
The following audits will be released Thursday, March 1, 2018.
Special Report Details Costs, Dangers of Noncompliance in Ohio’s Medicaid Program
Pending Legislation Would Establish Additional Safeguards for State’s High-Risk Medicaid Providers
Medicaid providers who are unqualified or lack records to justify payments for services have repaid only a fraction of the tens of millions of dollars they owe to the state, according to a special report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Former Mayor Owes Village of Rutland for Unsupported Checks
A state audit of the Village of Rutland (Meigs County) discovered checks written by a former mayor during 2016 that were unsupported and paid out of the wrong account.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Feb. 27
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018.
Auditor of State’s Office Again Recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting
The Auditor of State’s office received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2017 fiscal year-end Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
Former Harrison County Probation Officer Repays Stolen Court Revenue
A former probation officer has repaid $24,020 she stole from the Harrison County Court, according to an audit of the county released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Statement on Sen. Coley’s Legislation Regarding Medical Marijuana
The following statement may be attributed to Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost regarding legislation sponsored by Sen. Bill Coley, R-Cincinnati, on oversight of the state’s medical marijuana program.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Westerville City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Westerville City School District (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 22
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Six School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Feb. 20
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018.
Village of Minster Audit Flags Alcohol Purchases, Unsupported Credit Card Spending
A former fire chief has repaid $980 to the Village of Minster (Auglaize County) after state auditors discovered credit card charges that were unsupported or prohibited by village policy.
Review of Provider’s Medicaid Services Finds Nearly $128K in Improper Payments
A state review of a Scioto County Medicaid provider uncovered almost $128,000 in improper payments stemming from errors in service documentation and a lack of first aid training.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 15
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018.
Audit: Basketball Coach Spent $500 on Prohibited Alcohol Purchase for Fundraiser
A high school basketball coach has repaid $500 to the Norwood City School District (Hamilton County) after a state audit found he spent public funds on alcohol for a 2017 fundraiser.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Feb. 13
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 8
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Five School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Feb. 6
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018.
Audit Details Superintendent’s Theft from Norwood City Schools, Affiliated Community School
A state audit released today explains how a former superintendent managed to siphon off tens of thousands of dollars from the Norwood City School District (Hamilton County) and its affiliated charter school.
Audits Question Unsupported Purchases at Two Dayton Charter Schools
Audits of two affiliated Dayton charter schools hold administrators accountable for about $600 in unsupported purchases of gift cards, tickets to Kings Island and a bicycle.
Statement from Auditor Dave Yost on Mecca Township
The following is a statement from Auditor Dave Yost regarding the removal from office of Deborah Drawl, Mecca Township (Trumbull County) fiscal officer.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Six Entities Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Feb. 1
The following audits will be released Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Jan. 30
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Whitehall City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Whitehall City School District (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Yost Releases Special Audit of Mt. Sterling
Special Audit of Village in Madison County Holds 11 Individuals Accountable for Nearly $1 Million in Illegal Spending
A special audit released today details almost $1 million in illegal spending that occurred at the Village of Mt. Sterling, capping off a two-year investigation that brought criminal charges against four now-convicted former administrators and employees.
Audit of Maple Heights Issues $5K Finding for Missing Revenue
Almost $5,000 in revenue went missing from the City of Maple Heights (Cuyahoga County) Building Department during 2016, according to a report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Audit Issues Finding Against Former Northwood Clerk for Stolen Customer Payments
A state audit released today orders a former employee of the City of Northwood (Wood County) to repay $650 that she stole from customer payments.
Audit of Community Improvement Corp. Issues Finding for Improper Alcohol Purchases
A state audit released today holds the treasurer of the Sylvania Area Community Improvement Corporation (Lucas County) responsible for almost $400 in improper alcohol purchases.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Jan. 23
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018.
City of Alliance Placed in Fiscal Caution
Dwindling balances in more than a dozen funds today prompted Auditor Yost to place the City of Alliance (Stark County) in a state of fiscal caution.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Jan. 18
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Three School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Jan. 16
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018.
Village of Grover Hill Placed in Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Dave Yost today placed the Village of Grover Hill (Paulding County) in a state of fiscal emergency after a fiscal analysis revealed a fund deficit and treasury deficiencies.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Ohio Auditor Dave Yost Makes On-Demand, Free Cybersecurity Training Video Available for Public Officials, Ohioans
More than ever, cyberthieves are targeting Ohio’s local governments, tax dollars and individuals with great sophistication. Increasingly, those being targeted are taking steps to bolster their online security. Auditor of State Dave Yost wants to help local governments and Ohioans fortify themselves from digital threats and fend off cyberattacks by offering a free, on-demand 90-minute webinar.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Jan. 11
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Five School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Jan. 9
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018.
Former Wintersville Clerk Owes $3,368 for Missing Court Payments
A former court clerk owes the Village of Wintersville (Jefferson County) more than $3,000 for cash payments she collected but never deposited during 2015, according to a report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Two School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Jan. 4
The following audits will be released Thursday, Jan. 4, 2018.
Special Report Offers Guidance for Detecting, Deterring Thefts of Citizen Payments
By Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State
In the spring of 2017, I asked my staff to create a special report focused on a matter that has made my blood boil more than a few times during my seven years as Ohio’s Auditor of State.
Unresponsive Medicaid Provider Owes 3 Years’ Worth of Payments
An unresponsive Franklin County Medicaid provider owes the state three years’ worth of Medicaid payments because she failed to provide any documentation to support nearly 2,500 services billed to the state.
Lack of Corrective Action Leads to Another $2,210 in Unsupported Payments at the Village of Philo
A state audit of the Village of Philo (Muskingum County) found five officials and employees received $2,210 in payments that lacked supporting documentation or approval from village council.
Medicaid Examinations by State Auditors Find Nearly $10.7 Million in Overpayments in 2017
Medicaid Effort Part of Auditor Yost’s Culture of Accountability
Compliance examinations to verify whether Medicaid providers have sufficient documentation to support payment have led to repayment demands totaling nearly $10.6 million in 2017, Auditor of State Dave Yost announced today.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Seven School Districts Qualify for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
Recent financial audits of the following entities by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office have returned clean audit reports. Their excellent record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 28
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Worthington City School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Worthington City School District (Franklin County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Finds 2 Years’ Worth of Shady Credit Card Charges at Liberty Township
Liberty Township in Hardin County failed to detect two years’ worth of suspicious monthly credit card charges that added up to nearly $1,100 in losses by the time they were questioned during a state audit.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 26
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2017.
Medicaid Provider Owes $119K for Unverifiable Services
An Ashtabula County Medicaid provider owes the state more than $119,000 because she allegedly threw away records needed to support all of the services she was paid for during a three-year period.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 21
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017.
JobsOhio Compliance and Control Engagement Posted to Auditor of State’s Website
The fiscal year 2017 compliance and control engagement of JobsOhio has been completed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. As part of the agreement signed between the Auditor of State’s office and JobsOhio, the report is now available to the public via the Auditor of State’s website.
Auditor’s Public Integrity Team at Center of Probes in Mahoning Valley and Across Ohio
The 101-count indictment of Youngstown-area businessman Dominic Marchionda and 56-count indictment of former Niles Mayor Ralph E. Infante have more in common than major criminal cases against prominent people: Both cases were investigated by a little-known, two-year-old team inside the Auditor of State’s office.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 19
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Wynford Local School District (Crawford County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Berkshire Local School District Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of the Berkshire Local School District (Geauga County) by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The district’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 14
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017.
Updated ‘Financial Health Indicators’ Show Slight Increase in Fiscal Stress for Ohio’s Counties and Cities
Enhancements to ‘FHI’ Tool Allow for Deeper, Regional Analysis
Nine cities and one county are showing signs of financial stress for fiscal year 2016, with nearly two-thirds of Ohio’s county governments showing an increase in the number of “critical” or “cautionary” warnings, according to the second annual “Financial Health Indicators” report.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Grandview Heights City School District (Franklin County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 12
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017.
Auditor Yost Releases Village of West Mansfield from Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Dave Yost today released the Village of West Mansfield (Logan County) from fiscal emergency after local officials took steps to put the village back on a sound financial footing.
Bloom Township Released from Fiscal Emergency After More than 12 Years
Auditor of State Dave Yost today announced that Bloom Township (Scioto County) has regained financial stability after spending more than 12 years in fiscal emergency.
Auditor Yost Calls on Commerce Department to Suspend Issuance of Marijuana Cultivator Licenses
Auditor of State Dave Yost today called on the Commerce Department to suspend the issuance of Level 1 cultivator's licenses for medical marijuana following media reports that one of the application graders was a convicted drug dealer.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Dec. 7
The following audits will be released Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017.
Brice Audit Cites Incomplete Speeding Ticket Records, Improper Sale of Borrowed Handgun
The Village of Brice (Franklin County) failed to maintain records needed for state auditors to verify the accuracy of its reported speeding ticket revenue from 2016.
Report Cites $15K in Credit Card Misuse by Former Clinton County Convention Bureau Official
The former executive director of the Clinton County Convention and Visitors Bureau used the bureau’s credit card to pay for $15,107 in personal expenses, including haircuts, manicures, shoes, handbags, hotel and cable bills, and gasoline and pharmacy purchases.
Audit of New Castle Township Finds Overpayment to Fiscal Officer
The fiscal officer for New Castle Township (Coshocton County) erroneously overpaid herself by $2,599 during 2016, according to a report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Credit Card Reform Bill Gains House Approval; Enhanced Controls Will Protect Tax Dollars
The Ohio House of Representatives today unanimously approved legislation that would require local governments to establish credit card policies to protect tax dollars. House Bill 312 now goes to the Ohio Senate for consideration.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Former Mt. Sterling Mayor Sentenced for Role in Theft
Former Mt. Sterling Mayor Charles Neff was sentenced this morning to 30 days in jail, three years of probation and ordered to pay nearly $10,000 restitution for his role in approving improper leave payouts in the Madison County Village.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Dec. 5
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017.
Medicaid Provider Lacked Supporting Documentation for Hundreds of Services
A Medicaid examination released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost uncovered more than $82,000 in overpayments to a Summit County provider who lacked documentation to support hundreds of services she billed to the state.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 30
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017.
Auditor Yost Releases ‘Best Practices’ to Fight Abuse of Government Credit Cards
Because many local governments are at risk of theft and other misuse of government credit and debit cards, Auditor of State Dave Yost today released a “Best Practices” newsletter to show local government officials how to prevent this rip-off of taxpayers.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 28
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Huron County Metropolitan Housing Authority received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 21
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017.
Union Township Financial Records “Unauditable”
Incomplete financial records prompted Auditor of State Dave Yost to place Union Township (Pike County) on the “unauditable” list.
Village of Leipsic Released from Fiscal Emergency
Auditor Yost today released the Village of Leipsic (Putnam County) from fiscal emergency, a status it held for more than seven years.
Village of Bloomingburg Released from Fiscal Caution
The Village of Bloomingburg (Fayette County) today became just the second local government to be released from the state’s fiscal caution designation without slipping further into fiscal distress.
Belmont County Qualifies for Auditor of State Award with Distinction
A recent financial audit of Belmont County by Auditor of State Dave Yost’s office has returned a clean audit report. The county’s excellent record keeping has qualified it for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.
Special Report Provides Guidance to Local Governments on Detecting, Deterring Thefts of Citizen Payments
Thieving public employees who capitalize on lax oversight have pocketed millions of dollars from transactions with citizens over past decade, according to a special report released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 16
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017.
Nearly 80 of Medicaid Provider’s Employees Cared for Patients Despite Lack of First Aid Training
Overpayment to Hamilton County Provider is Second Largest Since Auditor Yost Took Office in 2011
A home health agency in Hamilton County owes the state $4.51 million for Medicaid overpayments and interest stemming, in part, from patient care provided by nearly 80 unqualified employees.
Auditor Yost Releases the Village of Patterson from Fiscal Emergency
Auditor of State Dave Yost today announced that the Village of Patterson (Hardin County) has achieved financial stability after spending more than four years in fiscal emergency.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Nov. 14
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017.
Discrepancies Lead to $12,751 in Findings Against Former Fair Board Treasurer
A former fair board treasurer is on the hook for a $12,751 shortage of ticket revenue and change funds from the 2015 Washington County Fair.
Former Fiscal Officer Responsible for $8K in Federal Penalties
A former fiscal officer of the Village of New Madison (Darke County) stuck taxpayers with more than $8,000 in federal penalties that resulted from her sluggishness.
Stark County Care Facility Owes Thousands to Ohio Medicaid
A care facility in Stark County received more than $11,000 in Medicaid reimbursements during 2015 for services that never occurred, state auditors found.
Audit Flags Improper Alcohol Purchases at Community Improvement Corporation
A state audit released today holds the director of the Morgan County Community Improvement Corporation accountable for almost $700 in improper alcohol purchases.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Nov. 9
The following audits will be released Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017.
Auditor Yost Releases ‘Best Practices’ to Curb Government Payroll Fraud
Payroll fraud is a perennial problem for local governments, putting tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars at risk, which is why Auditor of State Dave Yost today issued a “Best Practices” newsletter to help local officials reduce this threat.
Statement from Auditor Yost on House Passage of Legislation to Help Curb Fraud in Food Stamp Program
Auditor Yost issued this statement regarding the passage of House Bill 50 by the Ohio House.
UAN Fee Holiday to Save Users $1.2 Million Over Next Year
By Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State
As I travel our great state and get to know leaders at all levels of government, I continue to be impressed by the ability of township trustees, fiscal officers and other local leaders to leverage the precious tax dollars they are given to protect and nurture their beautiful communities.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipients
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the following entities received the Auditor of State Award for their clean audit reports.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 24
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the County Risk Sharing Authority (Franklin County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Auditor Yost Waives $1.2 Million in Computer Fees for Local Governments
Nearly 2,000 local governments across Ohio will save $1.2 million in computer fees during the next year, Auditor of State Dave Yost said in announcing the fee holiday.
Audit Releases for Thursday, Oct. 19
The following audits will be released Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017.
Auditor Yost and Senator Lehner Introduce Bill to Curb Medicaid Fraud
Auditor of State Dave Yost and Sen. Peggy Lehner today announced legislation to stop the kind of Medicaid fraud and overpayments that have cost taxpayers nearly $29 million since 2011 and deprived Medicaid patients of the care those dollars are intended to provide.
Auditor Yost Announces Auditor of State Award Recipient
Auditor of State Dave Yost is pleased to announce that the Miami Valley Communications Council (Montgomery County) received the Auditor of State Award for its clean audit report.
Audit Releases for Tuesday, Oct. 17
The following audits will be released Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2017.
Auditor Yost Issues Cyberfraud ‘Best Practices’ to Protect Local Governments
With cyberfraud attacking bigger and more consequential targets, Auditor of State Dave Yost today issued a “Best Practices” newsletter aimed at helping local government leaders protect tax dollars and taxpayer information.